Westward Expansion 1776-1867
What is Manifest Destiny? Americans felt it was their duty to expand to the Pacific Ocean Disregard for anyone in their way
What were the causes for Westward Expansion? The California Gold Rush Began in 1848 with the discovery of gold at Sutter’s Mill on the California River Fertile land for farming Grazing land for ranching Religious persecution New start on life Escape from the law
Gold Rush
Trails West
How does this painting explain the attitude of Americans in the mid 1800’s? Spirit of the Frontier/American Progress 1872 by John Gast (a.k.a. Westward Angel)
How did they travel west?
Conestoga Wagon They got their name from the Pennsylvania town in which many were produced. Usually pulled by oxen or mules in traveling
The Stagecoach Passenger coaches were a popular form of public transportation in the early 1800’s The person who rode next to the driver usually carried shotgun to guard against hostile Native Americans or bandits, thus the phrase “riding shotgun”. They got their name because the coach driver changed horses every fifteen miles, or stage. Cicero © 2008
Steam Locomotive “Iron Horse” The first locomotive built in the U.S. in 1830. On July 1, 1862, President Lincoln signed the Pacific Railroad Act, which called for the building of the Transcontinental Railroad. Completed -May 10, 1869 Cicero © 2008
Cicero © 2008
Steamboat The first successful steamboat, named Clermont, was created by Robert Fulton in 1807. Settlers who chose to travel west by boat faced an arduous journey of 18,000 miles around South America or sail to the isthmus of Panama, cross overland, and sail to California. Cicero © 2008
What were the Hardships and Challenges? Diseases: Cholera, Lice, Malaria, Scurvy Length of trail Inexperience in navigation Weather Raiders Natives
Other Fun Facts Bible was the main reading material Used tar to waterproof their wagons Bible was the textbook for school for education People often used buffalo dung for fuel