Table 3. Shared Governance Items Disagree Neutral Agree Shared decision making will impact positively on my clinical work 2.82% 7.95% 89.23% Activation of the unit based councils will impact positively in my work 3.99% 13.03% 82.98% Implementation of shared governance in my unit will support the initiation of the unit projects and initiatives 2.98% 11.60% 85.43% Participate in unit committees or council will impact positively in quality of my work 3.30% 13.05% 83.65% Nurses Autonomy will be supported by allowing the staff to participate in unit decision making 4.41% 7.37% 88.22% There is chance to speak up for our rights in unit committee and unit councils 20.41% 72.22% Participation in unit councils or committee will allow me to advance my leadership skills 3.66% 18.34% 78.00% Ahmad Rayan et al. Nurses Perceptions toward Nursing Excellence Program in a Tertiary Hospital. American Journal of Nursing Research, 2019, Vol. 7, No. 1, 65-72. doi:10.12691/ajnr-7-1-9 © The Author(s) 2018. Published by Science and Education Publishing.