Place: Unique Location of a Feature
What is a Toponym?
“A Toponym is the name of something on the Earth.”
What is site and situation?
“Site is describing a location of a place based on its physical characteristics. Situation is the location of a place relative to other places.”
Describe your town or city only by discussing its location relative to other places.
Describe your town or city only by discussing its physical characteristics.
Is it Site or Situation?
Much of South Louisiana is made up of swamp-land. Site Situation [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]
Baton Rouge is next to the Mississippi River. Site Situation [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]
Regions: Areas of Unique Characteristics
What is a region?
“A region is an area of Earth defined by one or more distinctive characteristics.”
“The physical features, economic features, and cultural features that make up a region are called its cultural landscape.”
What types of regions are there?
Everyone shares in common one or more distinctive characteristics. Formal Regions Everyone shares in common one or more distinctive characteristics.
Borders are easy to track and slow to change. Formal Regions Borders are easy to track and slow to change.
Examples: Political regions and long lasting economic regions. Formal Regions Examples: Political regions and long lasting economic regions.
Organized around a central node. Functional Regions Organized around a central node.
Functional Regions Tied to the point by transportation and communication systems or by economic or functional associations.
Examples: Subway Systems, Newspaper Distribution, Store Distribution Functional Regions Examples: Subway Systems, Newspaper Distribution, Store Distribution
Vernacular (Perceptual) Regions A place that people believe exists as part of their cultural identity.
Perceptual Regions Informal and varies dependent on who is defining them.
Perceptual Regions Examples: “The South” “The Country”
The next 10 slides ask you to identify if the region shown is formal, functional, or vernacular.
The Corn Belt Formal Functional Vernacular [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]
The South Formal Functional Vernacular [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]
Kentucky Formal Functional Vernacular [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]
A county in Kentucky Formal Functional Vernacular Breckenridge County [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]
Eastern Kentucky Formal Functional Vernacular [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]
Eastern Kentucky Formal Functional Vernacular [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]
Chicagoland (Chicago and all the areas served by the city) Formal Functional Vernacular [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]
The Deep South Formal Functional Vernacular [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]
Assignment You need to create three drawings that demonstrate each of the three types of regions, formal, functional, and vernacular. You must also write a short summary explaining your drawing and the type of region shown. This assignment will be due at the end of the class period and will be worth 15 points. You must display EFFORT in your drawings to earn full points.