Good Evening, Greetings… Series of “Lessons From Matthew.”


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Presentation transcript:

Good Evening, Greetings… Series of “Lessons From Matthew.” Two weeks ago we left off looking at “The Sign of Jonah.” (SLIDE) The Pharisees demanded “another sign” though one had been given already. This is why Jesus calls them an “evil and adulterous” generation there (Mt 12:39). Today, in our text, Jesus calls them out as a “wicked generation” (Mt 12:45). Jesus demonstrates there wickedness using an illustration. (SLIDE)

Good Evening, Greetings… Series of “Lessons From Matthew.” Two weeks ago we left off looking at “The Sign of Jonah.” (SLIDE) The Pharisees demanded “another sign” though one had been given already. This is why Jesus calls them an “evil and adulterous” generation there (Mt 12:39). Today, in our text, Jesus calls them out as a “wicked generation” (Mt 12:45). Jesus demonstrates there wickedness using an illustration concerning demons to talk about the... (SLIDE)

MATTHEW 12:43-45 When we look at this lesson from Jesus, it isn’t hard to see the application today. (SLIDE)

“When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none. 44 Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order. 45 Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So also will it be with this evil generation.” Matthew 12:43-45

Empty Heart Equals Broken Heart MATTHEW 12:43-45 Our heart is where harm and heath reside. Mt 15:19 “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornications, theft, false witness, slander.” Mt 12:35 “The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good…” When we obey Christ our heart is cleansed. It has been sprinkled clean from an evil conscience (He 10:22). It has been made clean by faith (Ac 15:8-9). It has been purified from dead works to serve the living God (He 9:14). God expects our newly cleansed hearts to be filled. We are to fill our hearts with the Holy Spirit (Ga 4:6). We are to fill our hearts with Jesus the Christ (Ep 3:17). We are to fill our hearts with the peace (Co 3:15-16). We are to fill our hearts with God Law (He 8:10) We must never forget what happens when we do not fill our hearts as God tells us!!! The Corinthians had been washed, sanctified, and justified (1 Co 6:11). Yet later some were once again engulfed in sinful conduct (2 Co 12:20-21). Remember the false teachers Peter would write about. They had, at one time, been bought by the Lord and escaped the things of the world (2 Pt 2:1, 20). They then became entangled again with sin (2 Pt 2:20). Peter says “the last state has become worse for them than the first” (2 Pt 2:20). Things can become “Worse Than The First” when we leave our heart empty. Our hearts can become hardened (He 3:12-13). We must guard against such as it can then become dull of hearing (Mt 13:15). In fact, our hearts can become so hardened that… We trample the Son of God underfoot, we count the blood of the covenant as a common thing, and we insult the Spirit of grace (He 10:26-29). Reaching this point could harden and break our hearts in such a way we never repent (He 6:4-6) Brethren it is so important that we “DO NOT” allow our hearts to be empty!!! (SLIDE)

Filled Heart Equals Happy Heart MATTHEW 12:43-45 There is a certain mentality that is needed to continually fill ones heart with righteousness. We have to mentally understand we are to be sanctified i.e. set apart from the world (1 Pt 3:15). Our heart should belong to our God above. This means we need to be selective about what goes into our hearts. We need to let the “word of Christ” consume our heart (Co 3:16). We need to let the “Spirit of God” consume our heart (Ep 5:18). We need to let only the “praise worthy” things consume our heart (Ph 4:8). We need to let only the faithful children of God consume our heart (1 Co 15:33). Friends will either help you be strong or hinder your efforts (Pr 13:20). We cannot have fellowship with darkness and expect the light of God to consume our hearts (1 Co 6:14-7:1).

MATTHEW 12:43-45 Brethren as we transform our heart from sin to sanctified let us make certain we are “filling” our heart with our most wonderful God. Lk 10:27 “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”

God’s Plan of Salvation Study God’s Word Have Faith In Jesus Repent/Turn To God Confess Jesus As Lord Obey The Gospel Live A Faithful Life Romans 10:17 Hebrews 11:6 Luke 13:3 Matthew 10:32 Romans 6:3-5 1 John 1:7