MATH How to be A Great Student
How to Be a Perfectionist When Preparing for a Test NEXT
BACK How to Be a Perfectionist When Studying for a Test Distinguish One Type of Problem from Another Follow the Dress Rehearsal Principle Become Familiar with the Overall Test Preparation Procedure Become Familiar with the Overall Test Preparation Procedure Study Effectively for a Cumulative Final Exam Over Study for the Test NEXT
BACK Distinguish One Type of Problem Form Another -Think of ways to distinguish each type of problem -Take a sample test from the teacher, student or yourself - Review exercises in your text book NEXT PRVIOUS
BACK Follow the Dress Rehearsal Principle -Master each topic -Ask Questions -Review old test -Learn to distinguish different types of problems -Take a practice test -Write some problems -Make a list of weaknesses and strengthen those areas NEXT PRVIOUS
BACK Become Familiar With the Overall Preparation Procedure - Establish a goal of 100% - Make a list of all topics covered - Master each topic - Learn to solve problems in random order - Review previous test NEXT PRVIOUS
BACK Study effectively for a Cumulative Final Exam - Start studying one to two weeks before the exam - Obtain has much information from your teacher as possible - Verify you can do problems and answer questions on all topics - Study all previous test - Do a practice test for all chapters covered - Obtain a sample cumulative exam NEXT PRVIOUS
BACK Over Study For the Test - Its not possible to study to much - It is the last two or three hours of studying time that benefit you the most Have no weaknesses among the topics covered on the test Have no weaknesses among the topics covered on the test You should think you have a good chance of getting a hundred You should think you have a good chance of getting a hundred PRVIOUS