The Thesis Statement
What is a thesis statement? It is an arguable statement. It is a complete sentence that expresses your position/opinion on a given topic. It narrows down your topic to a specific, single focus of investigation. It establishes a direction for the entire paper. It is usually stated in your introduction.
What is not a thesis statement? A thesis is never a question; it could be the answer to a question. A thesis is not an announcement of purpose. A thesis is not simply a topic. A thesis is not a fact.
Writing a Thesis A thesis has two parts Topic: the main subject to be discussed in the essay Main Points /Opinion: what the writer thinks about the main subject to be discussed (the topic) Which would be your 3 main points Topic: Community College Students Main Points /Opinion : work diligently to pass their classes, transfer to universities, and earn a four-year degree. Thesis: Community college students work diligently to pass their classes, transfer to universities, and earn a four-year degree.
Determine whether the following is a good or poor thesis statement What causes violence in children? Poor A thesis statement is not a question!
Determine whether the following is a good or poor thesis statement The purpose of my paper is to identify the causes of violence. Poor A thesis is not an announcement of purpose!
Determine whether the following is a good or poor thesis statement The education system in the United States. Poor A thesis statement is not just a topic!
Determine whether the following is a good or poor thesis statement Teen drop out rates can be reduced with good education, parental support, and encouragement from the community. Yes, a thesis statement reflects a position!
Determine whether the following is a good or poor thesis statement I would like to discuss how teachers and students can develop better relationships. Poor A thesis is not an announcement of purpose!
First Person ? Avoid writing your thesis statement in first person (I, my). Avoid using because when moving to your subtopics in your thesis statement.
Thesis: The Magic Kingdom is my favorite theme park because it has fun rides , great food, and amazing shows. Thesis: The Magic Kingdom is a thrilling place to visit with its fun rides, great food, and amazing shows.
Thesis: I think it is important to listen to your parents because they have your best interest at heart, are more knowledgeable, and love you unconditionally. Thesis: Listening to your parents is important for they have your best interest at heart, are more knowledgeable, and love you unconditionally.