Toffee in Y6S
Toffee didn’t arrive in Mr Steadmans class until Thursday because on Wednesday he went with the Year 5 children to the basketball tournament.
When he did arrive he was happy to find out that in science the children have been learning about the human body.
Where on the body do you think Toffee should stick this organ?
It’s the trachea and it carries air to the lungs.
On Friday everybody in the school was excited because it was Children in Need day.
However, Mr Steadmans class had an extra special reason for being excited…they were going to Thurston and Toffee was going with them.
Toffee will show you the photos from Thurston in a later assembly.
On Monday everyone was very tired after the busy weekend they had had and Toffee was surprised to find out that Mr Steadmans class were rehearsing Christmas songs already
I wonder where Toffee will be going next week?