2010 A new test administrator oath must be signed for each test administration. Please (in ink) fill out the top and Sign Section 1 now. Please (in ink)


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Presentation transcript:

2010 A new test administrator oath must be signed for each test administration. Please (in ink) fill out the top and Sign Section 1 now. Please (in ink) fill out the top and Sign Section 1 now. Section 2 and 3 are filled out after you complete administering the test.

2010 LBMS Gr. 8 Math & Reading Test Training TAKS, TAKS-Acc, TAKS-M June 2010 Trainer – Jason Mayo AP - LBMS Belton Independent School District

2010 This PowerPoint does NOT eliminate your requirement to read the general and specific Test Administrator Manuals. READ THE MANUALS!! Get the message?

2010 Testing Schedule June 29th, 2010 = Math Test June 29th, 2010 = Math Test June 30th, 2010 = Reading Test June 30th, 2010 = Reading Test Grade 8 Testing Block = 8:00-11:45/12:15- 12:45 – Students will eat breakfast then report directly to testing room. – Begin testing as soon as you can. – Post attendance sheet by 8:30. – Students who have not completed their assessment by the time the testing block is over will be escorted to room 210 to finish. – Students will report to cafeteria after test is completed but not sooner than 9:30.


Duty Stations & Breakers See attachment

2010 Testing Rooms The following rooms will be used for testing. Please have these rooms prepared (walls covered or cleared, door windows uncovered/unobstructed, etc.) by June 28th, ,208,209,210,214,216,222 = Math 214(30 th /1 st ), 216, 222 = Reading


2010 Test Administrator Responsibilities Read the Test Administrator Manuals both general and specific. Attend training conducted by your campus test coordinator. Receive secure testing materials from your campus test coordinator. Observe all rules regarding test security and confidential integrity of the state testing system. Administer the tests in strict compliance with the directions in the Test Administrator Manuals. Supervise and actively monitor testing. Do not provide any unauthorized assistance to students during testing. Do not view the test, discuss the test, or score a student test either before, during, or after testing.

2010 Test Administrator Responsibilities Mark the appropriate score code and test taken information code for each student test administered. Return all testing materials to the campus test coordinator IMMEDIATELY after students finish testing or the testing block has ended. Report testing irregularities and security violations immediately to the campus test coordinator. Prepare statements for submission to TEA if you are involved in a testing irregularity or test security violation.

2010 Properly Controlling Secure Testing Materials Secure materials MUST be stored under lock and key with limited access when not in use. Never leave secure materials unsecured in our room. Test administrators will check out secure testing materials on the morning of testing from the campus testing coordinator and will return them immediately when students finish testing.

2010 Protecting Test Content No person may view, reveal, or discuss the contents of a test or answer document unless specifically instructed to do so by the procedures in the test administrator manuals. No person providing an oral administration, dyslexia bundled administration, or TAKS-M reading administration may write notes, calculations, or any other marks in a test booklet or in any other location. Top Secret

2010 Protecting Test Content Secure materials may not be duplicated by test administrators. Seals on test booklets may only be broken during testing sessions and only by persons authorized to do so in the instructions. No person may answer verbally or nonverbally any question that relates to the contents of a test before, during, or after a test administration. No person my review or discuss student responses during or after testing unless specifically authorized to do so by the procedures in the TA manuals.

2010 Testing Procedures Related to Test Security and Confidentiality All tests must be administered in strict accordance with the manuals. No person may change any student response or instruct a student to do so. Districts must actively monitor testing sessions and require test administrators to actively monitor during testing. Only students can erase stray marks or darken response ovals on their answer documents and only during the testing session.

2010 Testing Procedures Related to Test Security and Confidentiality There must be a trained test administrator present with students one-hundred percent of the time until students complete testing and submit their answer documents to the test administrator. – This includes breaks and lunch. This is why individuals on hall and rest room duty MUST actively monitor as well.

2010 Cell Phones The use of cell phones or other two-way communication devices is prohibited during testing for students and test administrators. The reason is that cell phones can…. – disrupt the testing environment, – be used to cheat by obtaining unauthorized assistance on test content by students, and – be used to image secure tests and compromise the confidentiality of the test with their camera feature by students and teachers.

2010 Test Administration Procedures

2010 Testing Guidelines Testing – Do Not Disturb signs posted on testing rooms. Testing rooms should be quiet, well lighted, well ventilated, and comfortable. Bulletin Boards and instructional displays covered or removed if it contains anything that might aid students during testing. All curtains, paper, etc. must be COMPLETELY removed from the window on your door.

2010 Testing Procedures Do NOT allow students to bubble in the demographic fields on the front of the answer document. No cell phones or other two-way telecommunication devices (students or teachers). Have students place ALL personal belongings OUT OF REACH. Use post-it notes to mark names on items if necessary. Must give students state-supplied math chart. Students may use highlighters in non-scorable test booklets only, not on answer sheets.

2010 Testing Procedures No scratch paper for any TAKS testing. Use dividers where necessary. Test administrators are not allowed to answer any question relating to the content of the test itself. Test administrators must actively monitor students during testing. Test administrators cannot leave the room unless a trained substitute test administrator is present.

2010 Testing Procedures Reinforcing, reviewing, and/or distributing testing strategies during an assessment is strictly prohibited. You cannot require students to use any particular test taking strategy. Students can use test taking strategies but you cannot require them to do so during the testing. This includes first marking answers in test booklet and then transferring them later to the answer document.

2010 Testing Procedures Students must remain seated during testing and are not allowed to talk while test booklets are open. Students are not allowed to work on a previous section of the test or a section that has not yet been administered. Brief breaks in the testing room are allowed at the discretion of the test administrator.

2010 Time Requirements for Testing All TAKS tests are untimed. Each student must be allowed to have as much time as necessary to respond to every test item. Students must be allowed to work (not sleep) at their own pace. Students may not be directed to speed up or slow down.

2010 Testing Day You must pick-up & sign for your testing box personally. Please allow enough time for you to count the materials. Post a testing sign on your door. Please remember that students must never transport secure testing materials outside of the testing room.

2010 During Testing 8:30 Take attendance on the colored sheet and post it on your door by 8:30. Follow the directions in your manual. Prepare a seating chart remember to record the test booklet number and form number. Actively Monitor at all times. Remind students periodically, as a group or individually, to bubble their responses on the answer sheet. Let me know how many students are still testing during lunch.

2010 If a student has a question… You are not allowed to answer any questions related to the content of the test itself. I cant answer that for you; just do the best you can. If a student asks a question that you are not permitted to answer, you should say, I cant answer that for you; just do the best you can.

2010 When a student is finished… Go to the students desk to collect the testing materials. You have not recorded your work on the answer document. Please go back and fill in your answer document now. Look over the answer document to make sure the student has recorded answers. If not say, You have not recorded your work on the answer document. Please go back and fill in your answer document now. Breakers you must follow these procedures as well. Once a student leaves the room it is too late! An irregularity has occurred and an incident report form must be completed! Yikes!

2010 After Testing Procedures The test administrator must inspect the answer document to be sure the student bubbled in answers as instructed. This is also the last time to have students erase stray marks and darken answer choices if needed. After student testing materials are collected, students may be allowed to quietly read books. (Must not disturb others still testing.) Immediately after each test session, the test administrator must return all test materials to the campus coordinator.

2010 Coding the Answer Documents Mark ONE score code for each test that is included on the answer document. (Note the * score code means did not test on this answer document for the subject indicated. For example the student split testing between TAKS and TAKS-M.) Mark the test taken on answer documents. Your campus test coordinator will take care of coding the accommodations and verifying the demographic coding on the front of the answer document is correct.

2010 Test Taken TAKS or TAKS Accom. Test Form Number Score Code This will need to be taken care of BOTH days!!

2010 The big M helps identify TAKS-M answer documents.

2010 After Testing Day 1 Math Check the answer sheets for Test Booklet and Form #s. (Form #s are for reg. TAKS only) Fill in the Score Code (S for Score or A for Absent) on the answer sheets. Fill in the Test Taken Info (This applies only to TAKS & TAKS-Acc, not for TAKS-M). Tuck answer sheets into test booklets. Put test booklets in alphabetical order. Make sure your seating chart is completely filled out. (With test booklet & form numbers.) Personally return your testing box.

2010 After Testing Day 2 Reading Check the answer sheets for Test Booklet and Form #s. (Form #s are for reg. TAKS only) Fill in the Score Code (S for Score or A for Absent) on the answer sheets. Fill in the Test Taken Info (This applies only to TAKS & TAKS-Acc, not for TAKS-M). PUT ANSWER SHEETS IN ALPHA ORDER. PUT TEST BOOKLETS IN NUMERICAL ORDER. Make sure your seating chart is completely filled out. (With test booklet & form numbers.) Personally return your testing box.

2010 I NEED HELP!!! Dont panic. Call front desk and they will page me. Do NOT call from your cell phone. Do NOT leave your students unattended.

2010 You have now completed the annual TAKS Test Administrator Training for Gr 8 Reading & Math.