Landscape Disturbance Disturbance defined as: Relatively discrete event in time Disrupts possible multiple hierarchal levels White and Pickett 1985
Landscape Disturbance Disturbance defined as: Changes resources, substrate, or physical environment White and Pickett 1985
Landscape Disturbance Disturbance defined as: Catastrophes to more subtle fluctuations Ultimately causes “significant change in system” White and Pickett 1985
Landscape Disturbance Perturbation – change in parameter (state variable); departing from normality
Landscape Disturbance Characteristics of Regime: Area/size Spatial dist’n Frequency Recurrence interval Predictability Intensity/severity Synergisms Feedbacks
Landscape Disturbance Type Agent Physical Biological Interaction Origin of Agent Endogenous Exogenous
Disturbance Types
Landscape Disturbance Disturbance history Time scale Context
Landscape Disturbance Complexity of interactions Macroclimatic patterns Landscape position Vegetation Boose et al. 1994
Landscape Pattern & Spread of Disturbance Generalities possible? If disturbance spreads within same cover type, then greater heterogeneity should retard spread (e.g., spruce budworm, lower intensity fires)
Landscape Pattern & Spread of Disturbance Generalities possible? If disturbance spreads between cover types or is edge-enhanced, then increased heterogeneity should enhance spread (e.g., windthrow, tent caterpillar)
Landscape Pattern & Spread of Disturbance Generalities possible? If disturbance is severe enough or of large enough extent, then may function independent of landscape pattern
Disturbance Regimes in Michigan Are disturbance regimes evident in Michigan today? What types exist?
Disturbance Regimes in Michigan Are disturbance regimes evident in Michigan today? What types exist? Can they be reintroduced? First 6 hours 1 human life 44 homes 20,000 A After 30 hours, fire contained within 24,000 A area Mack Lake Fire, 1980
Disturbance Regimes in Michigan Are disturbance regimes evident in Michigan today? What types exist? Can they be reintroduced? What data are needed? Cutting pattern in Jack pine. Kirtland Warbler management area, Huron-Manistee National Forest, Linda Haugen