By: Author’s Name Capstone Project Example Ms. Gradowski, English 12 Title By: Author’s Name Capstone Project Example Ms. Gradowski, English 12
The Ethical Dilemma What is the basic premise of the story/novel? Quick summary What is the ethical dilemma? Societal or moral problem or issue Why is this a dilemma? How issue is relevant to our society How is the dilemma resolved? Why? Consider: How are these issues still relevant in today’s society? How did the character grow and learn from these dilemmas?
Author’s Purpose What point was the author trying to make? What was his or her purpose in including this dilemma? Is there any research or passages to support the above claims? Basically: Why would an author write about such a controversial topic? What is the point?
Challenges to the Novel Why has this book been banned/challenged? By whom? What is the controversy surrounding the novel? What was the outcome of these challenges?
Defense of the Novel Why should this book be included in the school curriculum? What are the book’s merits? Meaning, what are the good things about the book? How do these merits outweigh the challenges? Why are the good things more important than the issues people have with the book? What are your specific counterarguments against the challenges to this novel (include research and/or evidence from the text)? What would students lose by not experiencing this novel?
Works Cited MLA Format Try! Make sure you use quotes from various legitimate sources This is your Assessment grade for 3rd quarter AND A GRADUATION REQUIREMENT. Due Dates— Last Day in Lab: Wednesday, April 4th (B Day), Thursday April 5th (A Day) Presentations Due: Monday, April 9th (A Day), Tuesday April 10th (B Day)