Pregnancy Test(s)
1. Ultrasound Sound waves to take a picture of the fetus. –Rub a cool gel over the abdomen and run awand like piece of equipment over gel to see the fetus inside the womb.
USES of the Ultrasound 1.Tubal pregnancy (Eptopic) 2.Multiples (twins, triplets) 3.Verify due date 4.Check fetal growth 5.Possible miscarriage 6.Help perform other tests 7.Diagnose some birth defects 8.Help select a delivery method
2. Amniocentesis A test using a small amount of amniotic fluid withdrawn through a needle inserted in the abdomen
When is an amnio used… 1.Most common use is to test for Down Syndrome when the expectant mother is over the age of 35. *Down Syndromoe: extra #21 chromosome causing mental retardation, heart defects, flat face, slanted eyes, low set ears 2.Previous child with birth defects 3.Family history of genetic disorders
Amniocentesis Continued… 4.Suspected neural tube defects **Procedure involves some risks – only performed when there is a valid medical reason **Performed in the fourth month of pregnancy or later
Alpha Feto Protein (AFP) Test of mothers blood 1.AFP is produced in babys liver and is excreted through the placenta into the mothers blood. 2.Test is done between 15 th and 17 th week of pregnancy 3.A HIGH number of AFP could indicate the baby has a neural tube defect such as spina bifida