10th grade Vocabulary Latin Root words Part 2
The Latin Root string/strict: “bind”, “draw tight”
Drawing (the tissues) tightly together. astringent (adj.): Drawing (the tissues) tightly together. Video Example: The Doctor’s astringent stitching of the wound stopped the bleeding
Stringent (adj): Strict, rigid, severe . Video
Snake that crushes its prey by tightening its coils Boa Constrictor (n): Snake that crushes its prey by tightening its coils Video VIDEO .
unrestricted(adj): Not Confined, Free, Open to all example: The pilot made an unrestricted climb to a high altitude. Video
The Latin Root Vor: Eat greedily
Carnivorous(adj): Flesh eating The zombies desired living flesh. Video
devour (v): eat greedily or ravenously, seize upon and destroy Video
insectivorous(adj) Depending on insects as food. Video
voracious(adj): Insatiable appetite Video
Latin Roots Review Rupt- break or burst Cide- killing, killer String (Strict)- Bind, Draw Tight Vor- Eat greedily