CONDUCT/ SCHOOL WIDE STUDENT EXPECTATIONS We believe appropriate behavior is essential for effective learning to take place and is necessary for the safety and welfare of our students. There are guiding principles that are important in building strong student character and enhancing both peer and adult relationships. Students should be R=respectful O=outstanding A=accountable R=responsible
Attendance & Tardies A warning bell rings at 8:45 a.m. Students who arrive after 8:50 are tardy and must report to the main office and obtain a tardy slip. We expect students to be in their assigned classroom and ready for instruction by 8:45 a.m. It is our expectation that our students report to each class on time. Failure to report to class on time will result in the following steps being taken. AMS TARDY POLICY 1 st Tardy Warning and Teacher/Student Conference 2 nd Tardy Phone Call Home 3 rd Tardy Classroom Consequence and Letter Home 4 th Tardy Office Referral After the 4th tardy, consequences may be given at the discretion of the principal or grade level administrator.
TELEPHONE/ELECTRONIC DEVICES Cell phones/electronic devices (with the exception of GCS-issued personalized learning devices) are not to be used during the school day. Students should not receive calls or texts on their cell phones during the school day. Bringing electronic devices is strongly discouraged and school staff are not responsible for lost or stolen property. The school will not reimburse for lost or stolen items. School administration will not investigate the whereabouts of lost or stolen items that are not related to instruction.
LAPTOPS Laptop computers will be provided to each student. Students are expected to come to school daily with their laptop and charger. Specific policies related to laptop care and usage will be distributed during the school year.
ASSEMBLIES AND OTHER EVENTS In assemblies, your conduct will show the pride you have for yourself, your family, and your school. Loud talking, whistling, and generally poor behavior show a lack of respect for the speaker or performer, yourself, your family, and your school. Students displaying inappropriate behavior will be dismissed from the assembly immediately. Any student removed from an assembly will be assigned to ISS for the remainder of the day.
BUS TRANSPORTATION Students who come to school on a bus should return home on that bus unless they have a note from their parent or guardian. Riding the school bus is a privilege; therefore, improper conduct on the bus can result in the privilege being denied or revoked. Consequences for inappropriate behavior on the bus are outlined. Violation #1: Warning/Student conference held Violation #2: Parent Contact Subsequent violations will result in a referral to the office and more serious consequences, possibly including a bus suspension. Additional offenses will result in long-term suspension from the bus. In the event a student commits a serious offense which could cause danger to others or himself/herself, that student can be suspended from riding the bus immediately without following the above steps. Please note that delaying the bus will result in a consequence.
STANDARD MODE OF DRESS (SMOD) Students are required to adhere to the following Standard Mode of Dress guidelines. Students are required to arrive to school in SMOD approved attire. Students who fail to wear the approved SMOD will be sent to the office so that a parent may bring proper clothing. Consequences may be assigned if a student continually fails to follow the school dress code.
SMOD-SHIRTS Solid color: white, orange, and black Long or short sleeved polo or oxford style shirts Polo shirts should have 2-4 buttons Only the top two buttons may be unbuttoned Undershirts in solid black, orange and white may be worn No logos, writing, pictures or large emblems. All shirts (girls and boys) must be tucked in. Aycock sweatshirts should be worn with a collared shirt. AMS SPIRITWEAR MAY BE WORN DAILY. Cardigans, Sweaters, lightweight and fleece style jackets in SMOD approved colors may be worn. Hoods are not allowed. Members of athletic teams may wear approved athletic jackets.
SMOD-BOTTOMS Dress-type of fabric; must be fitted (not baggy/undersized/skin tight) All bottoms must be worn at the waist at all times. Pants must be hemmed and cannot drag on floor. Shorts, skorts and shirts may not be any shorter that 2” from above the crease at the back of the kneecap. Capri pants may be worn in solid color black, navy or khaki dress type of fabric. Leggings, form fitting spandex material, nylon, and denim and sweat pants are prohibited. No skinny jeans.
SMOD-ACCESSORIES Brown, black, white, orange, silver, or navy belts must be worn if the garment was manufactured with belt loops. No belt buckles that are larger than a credit card. Pocket books/purses cannot be large enough to place books/notebooks, clothing, etc. into. Oversized pocketbooks/purses will not be allowed. Pocket books should be no larger than an 8.5” x 11” piece of paper. Small clutch bags are recommended. Accessories should be school colors: white, orange, black, silver, or gold. Slings bags may be used if purchased through Aycock / AMS PTA. Hooded jackets and tops may not be worn. Do-rags, scarves, bandanas, and hats are prohibited.
SMOD-SHOES No sandals – including sports sandals. No flip flops. No crocs. No house slippers or bedroom shoes. No exposed toes.
FIRST FRIDAYS First Fridays are designated by the principal and will be held on the following days: October 7 November 4 December 2 January 6 February 3 March 3 April 7 May 5 June 2 Students are encouraged to participate in the designated days as a SMOD FREE day.