WPC S P D Concerns
Concerns! Number and density of proposed dwellings and building heights. Relation ship of New Town to Existing Village. Access and Transport Infrastructure. Social Infrastructure, S106 and Delivery Plan
Number of proposed dwellings and building heights. Plan is Approx 8000 to 9000 but SPD seems to indicate support for 11000. Does this conform with Policy SS 5? : 11000 dwellings can only be achieved by with high buildings and dense developments Does this conform with Policy SS 5?
Table 2 Summary of indicative net developable area and development density calculation No. of dwellings 8,000 9,000 10,000 11,000 Estimated population 22,400 25,500 28,000 30,800 Total site area 580 Total exclusl ons• 348 353 358 363 Net developable area** 232 227 222 217 Blanket residential density at 40dw/ha 9280 9080 8880 8680 Blanket residential density based 35 40 45 51 on net developable area
Relation ship of New Town to Existing Village. SS 5: New Town developed to maintain the identity of Waterbeach Village. A Village close to the New Town. Definition of Close is: A close distance away or apart in Time or Space. Does SPD achieve that? SPD Vision: There will be a strong, constructive and respectful relationship with Waterbeach village, providing additional transport, leisure, community and employment facilities that will be easily accessible for both existing residents of the village and new residents of the town, whilst ensuring that the village retains its own character and charm, as well as its own facilities.
Access and Transport Infrastructure. SS 5 says access routes should be identified by SPD. Traffic impacts on Village should be mitigated to minimise disruption. Main Access to the site should be via A10. Construction traffic should routed via A10 for all development. Cody Rd should not be used for construction traffic for railway station or significant vehicle access. Transport Infrastructure must be in place before development
Sustainable movement to, from and around the town SPD envisages a well connected settlement, easy to move around in an environment where active travel (walking and cycling) and public transport are the norm Prioritisation of walking and cycling for local journeys, connecting with wider cycle infrastructures, alongside excellent access to public transport Promise of new bus services (from CRP, through development to relocated station) and congestion free bus link to Cambridge (route to be determined) Mitigation of impacts on existing highways Traffic calming and improvement to junctions within Waterbeach village
Social Infrastructure Social infrastructure includes: Community facilities, Education, Health, Emergency Services, Retail and Employment, Open Space, Drainage Taking Community facilities as an example: The development will be required to provide social, recreational and cultural facilities in the Town Centre and three other local centres. Multi-purpose Community Centres will be flexibly designed to accommodate a range of uses including library use, community meeting space, formal sports and social facilities and if relevant places of worship. Additionally, there is an opportunity for secondary schools to operate as shared facilities. How will this affect Waterbeach facilities? Will they be subsidised initially as they cope with first residents? Will they relocate?
S106 and Delivery Plan The SPD has tables showing trigger points for the delivery of infrastructure and facilities Items included in an S106 agreement are legally enforceable and can only be changed with the consent of all parties Items addressed by planning conditions can be varied if there are concerns about viability, excessive cost etc Waterbeach Parish Council needs to be a signatory to the proposed S106 agreement to help ensure that the majority of the promised infrastructure is actually provided and funds are available to help existing village facilities, especially in early stages of occupation.
We need your involvement Please download the SPD https://www.scambs.gov.uk/media/12200/waterbeach-spd-for- consultation-september-low-res_singlepages.pdf or view the SPD in Waterbeach library or at the exhibition on 8th October in the Salvation Army Hall (12-7.30pm) Please participate in the local consultation on the SPD This is your chance to shape some of the aspects of the proposed development Comments must be sent to SCDC by 5pm on 26th October and please send a copy to Waterbeach Parish Council as well.