First Level Interventions Berkshire Complex Needs Service – April-March 2013/14 Referrals First Level Second Level Outcomes Total = 1537 Assessments Avg waiting time = 4.7 weeks Appointments offered = 911 Assessments Avg waiting time = 7.4 weeks Appointments offered = 293 First Level Interventions Second Level Interventions Locality Interventions Avg waiting time = 8.1 weeks Total in treatment = 639 Interventions Avg waiting time = 16.9weeks Total in treatment = 882 Source
Number of referrals into the Berkshire Complex Needs Service Total number of referrals per financial year 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 1520 1017 857 775 852
Ethnicity Percentages by CCG for BPSCN Teams QTR4 FY13/14 Ethnicity for BCNS in Q4 Ethnicity Percentages by CCG for BPSCN Teams QTR4 FY13/14 CCG White Other White Any Other Ethnic Asian Black Mixed Not Stated Totals NHS BRACKNELL AND ASCOT CCG 85.84% 3.20% 7.31% 0.46% 0.91% 1.37% 100.00% NHS NEWBURY AND DISTRICT CCG 88.55% 3.01% 4.82% 0.00% 0.60% 2.41% NHS NORTH & WEST READING CCG 86.50% 3.68% 3.07% 0.61% 4.29% 1.84% NHS SLOUGH CCG 73.55% 2.58% 1.29% 14.84% 0.65% 4.52% NHS SOUTH READING CCG 78.37% 6.38% 3.55% 3.90% 2.48% 1.77% NHS WINDSOR, ASCOT AND MAIDENHEAD CCG 80.11% 5.38% 4.84% 2.15% 1.61% 2.69% 3.23% NHS WOKINGHAM CCG 88.08% 3.31% 2.65% 1.32% OOA 89.29% 3.57% 1.79% 82.95% 4.14% 4.06% 3.19% 1.23% 2.61% 1.81% White Bracknell 84.90% Newbury/West Berks 90.40% Reading 65.30% Slough 34.50% WAM 77.50% Wokingham 83.60% Total 72.70% Ethnicity figures for the Trust by locality (2011 Census)