Air Pollution and Health Risks Are we getting the messaging right? Dr. Hem H. Dholakia Research Associate Council on Energy, Environment and Water India Habitat Centre 8th April 2016 © Council on Energy, Environment and Water, 2015
CEEW: one of India’s leading think-tanks
Health Risks of Air Pollution are Non-Linear WHO NAAQS A sense of panic? Health risk increases by ~3% Health risk decreases by ~4% A feeling of security?
The Air Quality Index How do we empower citizens to take specific actions on days when the air quality is bad?
Shanghai’s real time monitoring system Can India have its own air pollution Mascot?
Adverse Health Outcomes The Communication Conundrum(s)… How do we move the conversation from PM concentrations to human exposure (i.e. how much am I breathing?) and health risks? Can we develop a long-term strategic vision for pollution reduction? How do we work to develop and communicate ‘Air alerts’ or warning systems? How can we mobilise and sustain public engagement on the issue? Are we doing enough to reach people who do not communicate in English or are illiterate? Ignorance Fatigue or Apathy Adverse Health Outcomes CBDR
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