TODDLER Development OBJECTIVES I will be able to : Describe how toddlers develop Physically, Intellectually, Emotionally, and Socially Discuss effective ways to handle a temper tantrum Discuss ways to encourage healthy social skills for toddlers Create some fun learning opportunities for a toddler
TODDLERS (1 to 3 YEARS) Journal LEFT HAND SIDE List what you already know about toddlers for each area of development PHYSICAL INTELLECTUAL EMOTIONAL SOCIAL
DVD: The Child from 1 to 3 In you Journal on LEFT HAND SIDE Write down : Physical Intellectual Emotional Social While viewing the DVD- write down examples of developmental milestones for each area of development.
Emotional Development Discussion Questions This period in a child’s development is sometimes called “the terrible two’s.” What are some positive ways that parents and caretakers can cope with a child who is exhibiting challenging behavior? What are some effective ways to handle a toddler’s temper tantrum?
Social Development Discussion Questions What are some ways in which you can observe whether a toddler is well adjusted and developing healthy social skills? What are some opportunities that can help to further the development of social skills -outside of the immediate family?
Intellectual Development Discussion Questions A toddler’s natural behavior is to be curious. What are some of the basic environmental stimuli that a caregiver of a child this age should take into consideration in order to promote healthy and safe intellectual development? What are some ways that adults and caregivers can help toddlers learn language? What is meant by directed and incidental learning? Describe a situation in which a toddler might learn through imitation.