Assessment for Learning December 2, 2014 Heather Rottermond Sandy Riley
Today’s Learning Targets I understand the five keys to quality assessment and can apply them to units of study in my classroom. I have a clear understanding of the commitment for this work for this year including meeting dates, expectations, and my role as a facilitator. I understand the process for setting up my team for success and I can plan meetings to help support their learning. I understand that part of this process is building relationships within and across districts for the purpose of deepening my knowledge of assessment literacy and building my own support network. I can continue my own learning and develop new or revise existing units of study using the CASL process.
Today’s Agenda Time Topic Learning Target Facilitator 8:30 - 8:45 Networking and Chalk Talk 4, 5 Heather 8:45 - 9:00 Welcome SCECHS/Sign in Group Agreements Surveys 2 9:00– 10:00 Article Discussion Share Out 2, 3, 4 Sandy 10:00 - 10:15 BREAK 4 10:15 – 11:30 Template and Planning for Team Meetings 1, 2, 3 Heather & Sandy 11:30 - 12:30 LUNCH 12:30 – 12:45 Review Chapter 3: Feedback 1, 5 Heather & Sandy 12:45 – 1:30 3 Videos Which keys were present? What feedback did you observe? Did it meet the criteria for effective feedback? 1, 4, 5 1:30 – 1:45 1:45 – 3:00 Work Time to Plan Units or Finish Planning Meeting 1, 2, 3 ,4, 5 3:00 – 3:15 Chalk Talk Review/Feedback from the Day 3, 4, 5 3:15-3:30 Wrap Up Homework: Read Chapter 4 Reflection: Sign in and out (even if you are not getting SCECHs because we use it for sub reimbursement)
Introduction and Welcome Networking Move around the room and network with teachers about Assessment Literacy. Chalk Talk Using a sticky note, answer the questions on the posters. This should be done silently. Feel free to comment on other sticky notes
Review of Group Agreements Support each other’s learning Accept non-closure Respect one another’s good intentions Practice being fully present Focus on content Have fun Share air time equitably Participate in hard conversations Take responsibility for your own learning Personal Reflection: Which one are you going to work on for today’s learning?
Article Read “Supporting Teacher Learning Teams” (20 minutes) Groups of 5 Discussion Questions with Table (20 minutes) Share Out
Small Group Discussion Questions 11. Supporting Teacher Learning Teams Why does developing assessment literacy rely on independent as well as collaborative work? Why must participants’ learning responsibilities extend beyond attending team meetings? Which of the pitfalls in the article have your already avoided or overcome? How did you do that? Which pitfalls may need to be addressed? How might we address them? Ask participants to discuss their thoughts about these questions (also in the handout) in small groups and then open the discussion to the large group. You can distribute the questions along with the article if people are reading the article in advance. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.
1. Five Keys to Classroom Assessment Quality POTTY BREAK – 15 minutes 1. Five Keys to Classroom Assessment Quality Have participants find a partner and discuss the questions on the slide. They will also need to be looking at the handout. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 8
Template and Planning Time Use the template from the article to help plan your next building meeting
Review of Chapter 3: Effective Feedback Review Chapter 3 from the Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning text Think about the characteristics of effective feedback Think about how you use feedback in your own classroom Think about how you use feedback with your building team
Video Protocol – Video 1 HS Math Table Talk Which keys were present in this lesson? What feedback did you observe? Did it meet the criteria for effective feedback?
Video Protocol – Video 2 Elementary Math Table Talk What keys were present in this lesson? What feedback did you observe? Did it meet the criteria for effective feedback?
Video Protocol – Video 3 First Grade Table Talk What keys were present in this lesson? What feedback did you observe? Did it meet the criteria for effective feedback?
1. Five Keys to Classroom Assessment Quality POTTY BREAK – 10 minutes 1. Five Keys to Classroom Assessment Quality Have participants find a partner and discuss the questions on the slide. They will also need to be looking at the handout. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 15
Work Time to Plan Units or Continue Planning Building Meeting Work Time (60 minutes) Find another group and share what work you accomplished today (15 minutes) Feedback (think about Chapter 3) Give warm feedback (What do you like specifically?) Give cool feedback (What is uncertain?)
Review Chalk Talk What is happening differently in your classrooms as a result of our learning? What are some successes from your classroom? What are some successes from your team meetings? How do you plan on incorporating effective feedback?
Wrap Up and Homework Homework Sign in and out (even if you are not getting SCECHs…we submit these to your buildings) Next meeting is January 27 at WISD The meeting dates are posted to Homework Hold your second/third/fourth meeting Read Chapter 4 in the Seven Strategies book Fill out reflection form (on under Dec Reflection Journal)