Welcome to Room 106! Welcome to our classroom! It’s been a great start to the school year. As with anything new, it will take a little bit of time for students to get acquainted with new routines and responsibilities, so I just ask for your patience until we can have several days in a row to practice with homework folders and such.
About Mrs. Maiese 13th year teaching at Titus Bloomsburg University *Bachelor’s Degree *Concentration in Deaf Education Temple University *Masters in curriculum, instruction, & technology Interesting Quirk: *I keep an inventor’s journal and aspire to be on Shark Tank
Fun in First!
The glue that holds us together Classroom Management Make learning fun & interesting Clear Expectations Energizers & movement breaks Positive reinforcement Warm & Fuzzies (individual & by table group)
Classroom Connections “Ask Me About” Newsletter Wednesday Folders Contain important papers Return every Thursday If something has a score, sign it and return it. Grab Sight Word Challenge Binder
Homework RED Homework Folders Roughly 10 minutes Please keep homework books in homework folders Check & return folders everyday Roughly 10 minutes At-Home Reading calendar* - Write book title & signature (10 = sticker & 50 = trip to the reading lab box)
Helpful Hints Label Personal Belongings (jackets, hats, etc.) Water in water catcher Dismissal – contact office Emails Box Tops for Education Birthdays (and invitations) We collect paper towel tubes, used tennis balls Emails…not always at computer. As you can imagine 22 first graders requires full attention at all times.
Birthday wishes Create a picture slideshow or poster to share with the class* Wear slippers for the day Guest reader! Enjoy a birthday dance from your class – Just Dance Bring in something that you are proud of and share it with the class Pick a classroom spirit day in your honor! *Must be teacher-approved (prior class favorite) Bring a stuffed animal to school Any other ideas – Email me! Open to ideas, and I think I’m pretty reasonable…as long as you aren’t bringing in a petting zoo.
Specials Schedule Monday – Gym* Tuesday – Art Wednesday - Music Thursday – Quest Friday – Library (book exchange every week)
Questioning & Understanding through Engineering, Science, & Technology Click on the camera for a 1:34 video that gives an overview of QUEST. This will take you to the QUEST website. Be sure speakers are on and you play full screen. If parents want more information on this program, they can visit the website at www.cbsd.org/QUEST.
Developing Strategic Readers Reading Developing Strategic Readers Model, guide, practice Shared Reading Guided Reading Literacy Centers to reinforce reading & writing Read Alouds Poetry Word Wall
Reading What Can I Do at Home? Read aloud! Make predictions! Practice retelling stories! READ yourself! Order books from Scholastic
Writer’s Workshop Daily Journals Goodbye Daily Edits…HELLO Mentor Sentences! Handwriting Author Creations at the Writing Center! Being a Writer – study authors and how they write & use mentor texts to help us write like them Writing center – explore different modes of writing independently
Developing Good Writing Habits
Everyday Math Hands-on Spiral Repeated exposure to skills EM Games Online www.everydaymathonline.com XtraMath www.XtraMath.org
Science Social Studies My School Weather Collecting & Examining Life Solid, Liquid, Gas My School My Family My Community
Science Fun Day Friday, April 21, 2017! Science experiments ALL DAY! Parents run experiments in teams Children rotate through Our SFD Assembly – The Franklin Institute Traveling Science Show Thank you to Home & School! Sign up even if you MIGHT be interested
Volunteers Needed!! Grade specific volunteers Clerical help Class specific volunteers Checking Journals Reading with students Science Fun Day
Thank you for coming! Contact Me Class Webpage jmaiese@cbsd.org http://www.cbsd.org/jmaiese