The Chinese Civil War 1945-1949 Lecture 3 Standard 10.9.4
Standard 10.9.4 Analyze the Chinese Civil War, the rise of Mao-Tse-Tung, and the subsequent political and economic upheavals in China Essential Question: How did China’s conversion to Communism add to the tension of the Cold War?
China’s Communist Revolution Chinese Civil War VS Mao Zedong~ Strong Communists U.S.S.R supported Jiang Jieshi~ Weak Nationalists U.S supported
Mao Zedong~ Communists win 1949 U.S. President, Truman, does nothing to intervene Jiang Jieshi/Nationalist flee to Taiwan Mao founded the People’s Republic of China Followed Marxism (communism) Believed to have transformed China into a major world power Responsible for tens of millions of deaths Married 4 Times
How the Communists Won Mao won support of peasant population Communists redistributed land to poor peasants and ended oppression Collectivization Built one party totalitarian state Those who disagreed were sent to labor camps Discouraged the practice of Buddhism, Confucianism, etc…
Feb. 1950- China and the Soviets sign a treaty of friendship~ made the U.S. very mad
Changes in China Stalin…I mean Mao led the Great Leap Forward Goal: increase farm/industrial output. Larger collective farms Failed (The Great Leap Backwards) Famine killed 55 million people (1959-1961) The Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) Establish a society which peasants and workers are equal. (attacked skilled workers forced them to manual labor) Urged young Chinese to experience revolution Red Books of Mao’s quotes were carried
The Cold War’s Wild Card China and Soviets split~ 1950s China sick of being in Soviets shadow-wanted to create own brand of communism Saw Soviets as weak Border disputes caused the Soviets to withdraw from China ~1960 United States saw this as an opportunity to become friends w/ China
Revolts against Communism Tiananmen Square 1989~ Chinese students protested against the undemocratic practices of communism 1000s were killed
Partner A What happened at Tiananmen Square? What message did it send to the world?
Partner B What tactics did Mao use to gain and maintain power? Do these tactics sound familiar? Where else have we seen this done?
Partner B What was the Cultural Revolution?
Partner A What was the goal of the Great Leap Forward? Was is successful? Explain.