Supervison: connecting at a distance ODL Masters programmes, SPSW
Background 4 ODL masters programmes in Public and Social Policy; Public Administration and Management 2 years, part-time Recruiting 80 + per year= 160 students Students: Mid-career professionals, diverse educational backgrounds 50 countries (40% UK) Dedicated staff team: (management, admin, recruitment, programme leadership, teaching, technical, supervision): 4.3
Approach Social constructivist pedagogy Student-centred Interactive teaching Structured, pro-active supervision
Results High retention (85-90%) Low failure rate PTES results for York: Distance learners are ranked 3rd of 74 HEIs with a score of 93% on overall satisfaction PTES for SPSW Retention: (86%), 1st Assessment: (85%) 2nd
Supervision practice Timetabled contact points eFolios Academic support
Recently tried additional practices - and their limits Year 1 review with students - student-led reflection on year 1 assessments and feedback, strengths and weaknesses More proactive support for ‘struggling’ students ahead of decisive assessments Use of personal study plan at start of studies as foundation for an open discussion of likely challenges Virtual office hour (considered)
Any questions or points? Jane Lund Enrico Reuter