Meet the Teacher! (again) Mr Skinner Mrs Barby and Mrs Rossell will be the other adults working in Year 6
Year 6 Children will enter via the classroom door on the back playground at 8.50am. Boys will be expected to hang their belongings in the cloakroom and girls will have use of the cloakroom near the hall.
Closer to SATS, your child may receive additional homework tasks. Children are expected to read 4 times per week and are rewarded for this. Reading records are collected in on a Friday. Your child will have weekly spellings to learn. Given out and tested on a Friday. Closer to SATS, your child may receive additional homework tasks.
Reading Your child does not have to read to you every time, as long as they are reading at home. Please continue to question your child when listening to them read and to discuss what they have read. Children are free to read their own books from home, or to make use of classroom and library books. Please try to ensure your child reads a variety of books throughout the year.
Rewards and Sanctions Everybody at New Swannington believes in praising positive behaviour and hard work! Dojo points Golden Cards House cup Worker of the Week Prize box Reading Raffle
General Reminders Uniform/PE Kit Lateness Home time Photography permission slips Appointments Names in clothes
Roles and Responsibilities Prefects House Captains E-Safety School Council Sports Council PE Monitors School Safety
Any questions?