Writing Warm Up March 8 What would you fight for?
A Time for Change Social Political World
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Elected 1960 Seen as American Royalty Brother Bobby appointed as Attorney General Married to Jackie Had major conflicts during his Presidency Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis Vietnam Assassinated November 22, 1963
Becomes President after Kennedy is assassinated. Lyndon B Johnson Becomes President after Kennedy is assassinated. War on Poverty Great Society Vietnam
The New Left Became the Radical Movement of the 1960’s SDS Anti War Movement The Weathermen 1968 Convention
Conservative Movement Young Americans for Freedom Law and Order William F Buckley and the National Review
Riots and War Riots Watts Detroit Washington DC Vietnam War Continues
Southern Segregation
Civil Rights Movement Began in 1954 Supreme Court Decision in Brown v. Board of Education Separate is inherently unequal Started the Era of the 1960’s Began a massive movement for social change. Carried out in 1957 with the Little Rock 9 in Arkansas 9 black students desegregate a white school. Initially prevented from entering the school by the Governor of Arkansas. President Eisenhower sent the 101st Airborne division to Arkansas to protect the little Rock 9.
Why was the Civil Rights movement effective? People can make a difference. Individuals and groups have agency. Who made the Civil Rights Movement effective and what did role did they play?