Visits Tab – Click this one Read & Respond
If you click the read and respond this is what you will see and you will have to click the back button to see any attachment - so much better just to click the Visits tab where there is a number 1 showing one visit added
If you click the visits tab where there is a number one this is what you will see – this screen will also show you if there is an attachment Shows if there is an attachment if no arrow no attachement
Attachment shows here Click this arrow to show attachment
Then once you have read the attachment if there is one – click read and respond Once you click this, the file will download so you can then open and save
You will also need to view this – if there is no attachment this is the only report that you need to read
Once you click this, the file will download so you can then open and save
This is the format of the visit report
You can now let the SEC know if you feel report Accurate or Inaccurate You can now let the SEC know if you feel report Accurate or Inaccurate. If accurate click accurate and the report will become finalised automatically or if you don’t respond, it will become finalised within two weeks If you want to change something click this box
Then this box will appear and you just type in what you feel is inaccurate or information you would like added Then Click Finish and Submit
If the adviser has sent a ‘school improvement’ visit note that they wish you to read and respond to, you will be notified with an email to log in as soon as it has been uploaded by the Standards and Excellence Commissioner (SEC) If the SEC has written a visit note that there is no need to you to read and respond to eg Attended school for Headteacher interviews, attended school for opening of new build – this is classed as an ‘other’ visit and you will just be notified on a Wednesday in an email if there is one of these visit notes to look at. In the past you would not have received visit notes for these types of visits.
OTHER FEATURES WITHIN PERSPECTIVE LITE If you click the LA tab this is what you will see – I is worth looking at the reports
Number of reports here for the 2015 data
If you click Watchsted
If you click tools Features in Tools that may be of use
Home Page Decide which news feeds you would like to see on your home page
Different suggestions will appear see next slide