Chem101 Chapter 01 Chemical Foundations
Chapter 1-Preview significant figures Handling numerical results Operational rules, unit Factor, … Classification of Matter Element, compound, mixture, … CHEM 101-Chapter 1 Morsy
1.5 Significant Figures (SF) and Calculations Rules for Counting Significant Figures: Nonzero integers are countable as SF. Zeros: - "Leading zeros” are not significant. e.g. 0.0025 (2 SF) - "Captive zeros” Count as s.f. e.g.: 1.008 (4 SF) - "Trailing zeros” count as s.f. eg. : 100 = 1.00 X 102 (3 SF) Exact numbers have an infinite number of SF e.g. 10 experiment, 5 apples, 8 books … so on. .. Exponential notation: it is used to express large or small numbers in the correct SF e.g. 0.000060 convenient 6.0 x 10-5 CHEM 101-Chapter 1 Morsy
1.5 Significant Figures (SF) and Calculations Rules for SF in Mathematical Operations: Multiplication / Division: Final results have the same SF in the least precise measurement used in calculation. Addition / Subtraction: Final results have the same number of decimal places as the least precise numbers. CHEM 101-Chapter 1 Morsy
Sometime you have to do multi-step conversion to get correct answer. 1.6 Dimensional Analysis conversion of a given results from one system unit to an other using "Unit Factor Method" or dimensional analysis. Note: Sometime you have to do multi-step conversion to get correct answer. CHEM 101-Chapter 1 Morsy
1.7 Temperature Tc = (TF-32oF) x 5oF/ 9oC TF = (T0C x 9oF/5oC) + 32oF Engineering Science Difference Is complicated Difference Is in their zero Tc = (TF-32oF) x 5oF/ 9oC TF = (T0C x 9oF/5oC) + 32oF T(Kelvin) = T(oC) + 273.15 CHEM 101-Chapter 1 Morsy
1.8 Density A property of matter that is often used by chemists. CHEM 101-Chapter 1 Morsy
1.9 Classification of matter Read (pp. 26-30) and Report (HW#2): Define : Matter, Mixtures, Physical changes, Chemical Changes, Compound, and Element Define: Distillation, Filtration, and Chromatography CHEM 101-Chapter 1 Morsy
What is its main opeation? Chapter One: END of What is this apparatus? What is its main opeation? CHEM 101-Chapter 1 Morsy