Welcome To Science!! Mrs. Dougherty
A Word From Mr. Millard & Mrs. Quiggins https://livestream.com/accounts/6188498/events/2559205/videos/179866137
Let us pause for a moment of Science!
Science Grading Policy Test: 50% Quiz: 30% Classwork: 10% Homework: 10% * Focus Parent Portal: Check on a weekly basis. Better yet, check with your student.
homework You will have homework periodically… Check student planner/agenda book.
* For TEST… Benchmark Reviews & Lesson Quizzes = Study Guide assessments 5th grade Science is a big change for most students… It is ALL about application—not memorization. The kiddos will actually have to STUDY! Where do we start? * Review class notes * Review the digital lessons on “ED” * Talk about it, Talk about it, Talk about it (Let them reteach it) * Ask your child where in the real world would we apply this knowledge. * Review “Apply Concepts” from the end of each lesson * For TEST… Benchmark Reviews & Lesson Quizzes = Study Guide
Conferences - Progress Alerts go home September 12th - Sign Up Genius - All 3 teachers will do their best to be there.
Technology * ClassLink: * ED: NEW Science Curriculum User Name: student #@edu.leonschools.net Password: 5 Digit Pin (Lunch Pin) * ED: NEW Science Curriculum
Text This Message: @ab6e9bf Contact Remind101: Enter This Number: 81010 Text This Message: @ab6e9bf EMAIL: doughertym@leonschools.net robertsl2@leonschools.net rodriguezc@leonschools.net