Implementation of a more efficient way of collecting data SBS: electronic data collection Statistics Belgium
Context Administrative simplification Results of reform in 2003 reviewed Report by Bart Meganck Agreement with stakeholders december 2007 Redesign of the statistical production process 03/08-06/08 Key projects submitted by SBS project group Impact on SBS 2008 Implementation 07/08-12/10
SBS questionnaire: current situation Collection method in 2003 = Split data approach 2 separate channels: Postal survey with follow-up mailings NSI Annex to balance sheet (XML or paper) Bank Integration of administrative and survey data can be problematic: coherence: subtotals don’t always add up timing A =100 A1= 20 A2= 45 A3= 10 A4= 37
SBS questionnaire: reform 1 Prefill questionnaire Get balance sheet data first A1 = 40 A2 = 20 A3 = …. A4 = …. Total A = 100
SBS questionnaire: reform 2 Provide electronic forms Respondent gets ‘fresh’ administrative data Instant validation 3 Standardize electronic data transfer XBRL provides a standard way of describing financial statements
SBS questionnaire: reform 2007: successful pilot exercise on using a reference XBRL software architecture for primary data collection, developed by Eurostat 2007: Central Balance Sheet Office accepts XBRL files -> Technical feasibility: OK Acceptance by businesses: OK Eurostat XBRL pilot Task Force objectives: mapping of existing taxonomies and the requirements in the relevant statistical legislation; monitoring of XBRL developments; creation of a statistical taxonomy; testing taxonomies in a live environment; assessing conditions for XBRL acceptance by NSIs; investigating whether it is feasible that enterprises would post data on their websites where they would be ‘picked up’ by the NSI.
XBRL software architecture
SBS data collection: XBRL File upload or Data entry Enterprise NSI Internet XBRL upload File upload or Data entry Data entry Print form Authentication Web site Web Survey Application Upload XBRL Engine for specific business rules Report Component Pre-fill & error handling Component XBRL Validator Component Integration of User Management Business service Business Services Layer PreFill1 PreFill Business service PreFill1 Business service Data Access Object Layer Taxonomy creation XBRL Taxonomies Session XBRL instances DB2 Forms Generator Forms + Labels Transformation
SBS reform: XBRL Today Test Release1 Test Release2 Look & feel Prefill Business rules Printing July 2009 Production