Agenda 8/17 1. Warm- Up (Notebook Assignment) 2. Name Tents 3. Technology in the Classroom- Discussion and Observation 4. Main Idea Log (Notebook Assignment)
Warm-Up 1. What was the most memorable event or thing you did this summer? 2. What is one goal you have for the upcoming school year?
Technology in the Classroom
My LAUSD Account If you have not done so already please activate Doing so has benefits: Access to Microsoft 365 (MS Word, PowerPoint, etc.) Access to Google classroom If you need your pin code or student ID ask me Microsoft Office 365
Remind Allows for two way communication between teacher and students. You can ask me questions I can send you important reminders about upcoming due dates, assignments, classroom notifications
School Website Where I will post all homework, project, writing assignment, and other due dates and instructions. 1. Go to 2. Click on “School Info” then “Staff List” 3. Search or Find “Mr. Krescent” 4. Look for your class and period
Google Classroom Requires you to have your LAUSD e-mail account activated. You can turn in work electronically here. Can use drive tools such as pages.