The Heart of Student Success Student Engagement: The Heart of Student Success Anne Marie Karlberg Trish Onion Kim Struiksma April 6, 2011 Board of Trustees Meeting
Why is student engagement important? National research demonstrates that actively engaged students are more likely to… learn persist attain academic goals National Issues
How can we measure student engagement? National Issues How can we measure student engagement? Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) Important metric for… assessing the quality of educational practices identifying ways to help more students succeed
Why is student success important? College completion – national agenda: Shift from emphasis on access. Open door = revolving door. Completion must also represent real learning: developing thinking and reasoning abilities increasing content knowledge developing high level skills needed for citizenship and work National Issues
What are the core challenges that community colleges face in preparing students for success? Community colleges often function as “emergency rooms” for entering students. Faculty are trained in their disciplines few are prepared for the reality of today’s students (the ways they learn and the cognitive and affective challenges they bring with them through the open door) National Issues
What are the characteristics of community college students? National Issues What are the characteristics of community college students? widely differing goals range of academic preparation limited time Students have widely differing goals and a range of academic preparation. Most community college students share one attribute – limited time.
What is the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE)? National Issues CCSSE What is the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE)? established in 2001 defines student engagement as the amount of time and energy students invest in meaningful educational practices used by colleges across the US and Canada to promote institutional improvements centered on student learning and persistence The Community College Survey of Student Engagement or CCSSE was established in 2001 by the Community College Leadership Program at the University of Texas at Austin. It defines student engagement as the amount of time and energy students invest in meaningful educational practices. CCSSE is used by community colleges in North America to promote improvement focused on student learning and persistence.
Assessment National Issues CCSSE Level Type of data College Program Course Direct indicators (learning outcomes) Core learning abilities Program learning outcomes Course learning outcomes Indirect indicators (surveys) CCSSE Exit surveys Course evaluations Institutional data (numbers and rates) Enrollment data (HC, FTE) Graduation rates Course completion rates We are going to step back for just a minute. Some of you might recognize this grid from the assessment website. There are 3 types of data that are used to evaluate student learning… 1. Direct indicators of student learning require students to demonstrate their learning through, for example, essays, capstone projects, demonstrations, and presentations. 2. Indirect indicators ask students to reflect on their learning thru for example surveys, focus groups, and interviews (so these are students perceptions of their learning). 3. Institutional data such as retention and graduation rates, do not necessarily indicate student learning but do reflect the overall condition and effectiveness of the college. Colleges need to collect this data at the college, program, and course levels in order to have a complete assessment and institutional research program. CCSSE is an indirect indicator at the college level.
Who participates in CCSSE? National Issues CCSSE Who participates in CCSSE? In the 2008-2010 cohort year, 658 community colleges participated – including 20 in Washington State. WCC conducted CCSSE in winter 2010 in 39 credit courses. 658 community colleges – including 20 from WA state – participated in CCSSE from 2008-2010. Whatcom conducted CCSSE in winter 2010 in 39 credit courses.
What are benchmarks? based on sound educational research National Issues CCSSE What are benchmarks? based on sound educational research group conceptually related survey items that address key areas of student engagement computed and standardized across all participating colleges – thus producing comparative data. CCSSE has identified 5 benchmarks, based on sound educational research, that group related items addressing key areas of student engagement. Benchmark scores are computed and standardized across all participating colleges– thus producing comparative data.
What do benchmarks measure? Active and collaborative learning National Issues CCSSE What do benchmarks measure? Active and collaborative learning 2. Student effort Academic challenge Student-faculty interaction Support for learners The 5 benchmarks measure… 1. Active and collaborative learning 2. Student effort 3. Academic challenge 4. Student-faculty interaction 5. Support for learners
How does WCC compare to other colleges in the 5 benchmarks? National Issues CCSSE
1. Active and Collaborative Learning National Issues CCSSE 1. Active and Collaborative Learning …assesses how often students are given the opportunity to participate in collaborative problem solving. Findings no significant differences WCC’s overall benchmark score is higher than 60% of all institutions. Survey questions for this area focused on how often students were asked to give class presentations, discuss readings, or participate in community-based projects. As measured by statistical significance Who participated in the CCSSE between 2008 and 2010
National Issues CCSSE 2. Student Effort …assesses the college’s ability to foster and encourage student effort or self-motivation. Findings WCC students spend more time… working on research papers reading for personal enjoyment preparing for class WCC students spend less time using college skill labs (writing, math, etc.) WCC’s overall benchmark score for this area is higher than 70% of all institutions. Survey questions for this area focused on student perceptions of their own effort (e.g., how many hours per week did they spend reading on their own or preparing for class, how often did they seek tutoring assistance, etc.). * Spend = statistically significant * Than students at other community colleges who participated in the CCSSE between 2008 and 2010.
National Issues CCSSE 3. Academic Challenge …assesses the college’s ability to provide challenging, intellectual, and creative learning opportunities for students. Findings WCC students spend more time… analyzing basic elements of ideas and experiences writing papers and reports WCC’s overall benchmark score for this area is higher than 80% of all institutions. Ten survey items address the nature and amount of assigned academic work, the complexity of cognitive tasks presented to students, and the standards faculty members use to evaluate student performance * This was our highest benchmark area
4. Student Faculty Interaction National Issues CCSSE 4. Student Faculty Interaction …assesses the frequency and quality of student-faculty interactions. Findings WCC students more frequently receive prompt feedback from their instructors. WCC’s overall benchmark score for this area is higher than 70% of all institutions. Survey questions include such topics as how often students email, discuss grades or assignments, talk about career plans, or discuss readings or class assignments with their instructors.
National Issues CCSSE 5. Support for Learners …assesses the extent to which the college provides services and programs that cultivates student success. Findings WCC students spend more time utilizing academic advising services. WCC students have less career and job placement support. WCC’s overall benchmark score for this area is higher than 50% of total institutions. Focus: Providing positive working and social relationships between different student groups. Questions include how much does the college provide the support that students need to succeed, encourage contact among different student groups, help students cope with non-academic responsibilities, and provide financial support. * This was our lowest benchmark area
What are WCC’s strengths? National Issues CCSSE What are WCC’s strengths? providing intellectually challenging learning opportunities cultivating high quality faculty interactions that foster academic excellence providing academic advising and transfer planning assistance providing an overall high quality educational experience NOTE: not all questions are factored into benchmark scores. Intellectual challenge: working on papers and projects that require integration of multiple sources, analyzing the basic elements of ideas and experiences Last question: overall – q 27 on the survey reads, “How would you evaluate your entire educational experience at this college?”
What can WCC do to promote student success and engagement? Implement strategies and processes that effectively foster student success in the classroom: raise expectations promote active, engaged learning emphasize deep learning build and encourage relationships ensure that students know where they stand National Issues CCSSE Strategies
Develop a culture of evidence to define what we know about students: Integrate student support into learning experiences and encourage students to use… Learning Center Career Center and Student Life Develop a culture of evidence to define what we know about students: understand their needs help them address barriers to their success build relationships that help them stay in college and succeed. Expand professional development opportunities for faculty and staff that is focused on engaging students. National Issues CCSSE Strategies
? National Issues CCSSE Strategies Questions