Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency Election of 1800 Between Adams and Jefferson Republicans accused Adams of wanting a monarchy. Accused Adams of being a gambler. Federalists said Jefferson was dangerous, supported the revolution in France.
Continued Said Jefferson had children with a slave and stole money from a widow – Jefferson did not reply Jefferson beat Adams by 8 electoral votes. Aaron Burr tied with Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson Continued House of Representatives had to choose the winner. Result of the 12th Amendment, which allows us to vote for both president and vice president together. A vote for one is a vote for both.
Jeffersonian Era Eliminated internal taxes, reduced influence of national bank. Reduced size of government and army. Jefferson replaced them with Republicans. Jefferson got congress to pass an embargo against the British. Madison lifted the embargo, and eventually declared war against Britain.
Key events in the Jeffersonian Era Principle of Judicial Review. Doubled the size of the United States. Information, cross country possible, open settlement of the West. Strengthened American claim to Oregon territory.
Louisiana Purchase 1803, cost 15 million dollars. This purchase doubled the size of the United States. Conflict with Jefferson since he made this decision without Congressional approval.
Jefferson Facts Even though wrote all men are created equal, he owned 200 slaves. When visitors would come to Monticello he would make sure they saw no slaves. Jefferson architect, responsible for designing University of Virginia.