Rachel Maybank Associate Director Communications Social media Rachel Maybank Associate Director Communications
UCLH external online channels External website Twitter YouTube Facebook Blogs Web apps Instagram We have a number of external online channels which we use: Stats for a web chat - for the first web chat with Al Windsor from the colorectal team, the consultant profile visits increased by 55% and the service pages by 31%, and the twitter reach was 97,539. Twitter – 4400 followers, send news stories linked to our website, respond to feedback YouTube – 119 films, over 15,000 views in Q1 this year Facebook – our tweets also go out through Facebook Ebulletins – email is still a good means of communications – we send our GP newsletter as a ebulletin to GPs in London and we send a quarterly ebulletin to stakeholders. These have links back to more information on our website. Web apps – provided GPs and junior doctors web apps useful contact information
Picture caption text This is the new service landing page The writing style more friendly and the section contains much more information Picture caption text
We have provided links to trusted sources of information for example: a parent run support group on Facebook Research studies A staff blog Picture caption text
Web chats
UCLH twitter feed
Answering questions on twitter
Web apps
Metrics Twitter - 5669 followers, 2657 tweets Website - 129,097 unique visitors in March 2014, viewing pages 608,159 times Web chats Headache 117 people took part with 35 people online concurrent at peak, 387 replays viewed, 76 questions answered in one hour Prostate Cancer 567,883 twitter reach, 14% increase in views of the consultant profile page
Questions? Website: www.uclh.nhs.uk facebook: www.facebook.com/UCLHNHS YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/UCLHvideo twitter: https://twitter.com/uclh Instagram: http://instagram.com/uclh