CARICOM TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS (CTIS)PROJECT June-December 2016 Regional Training Workshop November 21 to 25, 2016 by Lucilla Lewis, Lead Consultant
CORRESSPONDENCE WITH OTHER STATISTICAL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS GNS W/120- GATS recommended classification with schedules of specific commitments defining sectors and modes of supply in which members have undertaken access obligations Objectives of GATS: to provide a system of enforceable obligations and commitments for services trade that apply to all WTO members
CORRESSPONDENCE WITH OTHER STATISTICAL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS Exceptions Distribution services of wholesalers and retailers are excluded from EBOPS but included in GNS W/120 Item 12 Gov’t goods and services is not included in GATS Some of the charges for use of Intellectual Property rights included in MSITS 2010 are not included in the Services Sectoral Classification list GNS W/120
THE GATS SERVICES SECTORAL CLASSIFICATION LIST: W/120 Business services Health related and social services Communication services Tourism and travel related services Construction and related engineering services Recreational cultural and sporting services Distribution services Transport services Education services Other services not included elsewhere Financial services
CORRESSPONDENCE WITH OTHER STATISTICAL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS Trade in Services statistics and the International Standard Industrial Classification for all economic activities (ISIC) and the International Classification for Foreign Affiliates (ICFA)
CORRESSPONDENCE WITH OTHER STATISTICAL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS BOP/EBOPS – product based aligned with the Central Product Classification (CPC) V2. which provides a comprehensive classification scheme for all goods and services. See TS/msits2010/annexes.htm.