NB: Presentation time is 12 minutes + Question and Answer Presentation slides need to be emailed to SBE16Sydney@unsw.edu.au by no later than November 8, 2016 File name: paper ID_presenting author’s last name.ppt (e.g. 12345_Smith.ppt)
NB: Presentation time is 12 minutes + Question and Answer Presentations must be uploaded to the conference website at least one week before the conference. File name: paper ID_presenting author’s last name.ppt (e.g. 12345_Smith.ppt)
NB: Presentation time is 12 minutes + Question and Answer Presentations must be uploaded to the conference website at least one week before the conference. File name: paper ID_presenting author’s last name.ppt (e.g. 12345_Smith.ppt)
NB: Presentation time is 12 minutes + Question and Answer Presentations must be uploaded to the conference website at least one week before the conference. File name: paper ID_presenting author’s last name.ppt (e.g. 12345_Smith.ppt)