S.D.A. CLINIC, KONKOMA, (GHANA) / WAD BOX RY 336. AHINSAN - KUMASI IMPROVING MEDICINE SUPPLY SYSTEM OF THE CLINIC Introduction Statistical Summary An efficient and effective medicine supply system in every health facility is very central to the provision of quality service delivery to patients History There was a drastic decrease in patient attendance to the clinic for the past three (3) years. This was largely due to frequent shortage of essential medicines in the facility. Mission To improve medicine supply at the facility within six months. Activities / Highlights Before To form institutional medicine and therapeutic committee by 10th January 2018 To form procurement committee by 31st January 2018 To compile projections of 2018 medicines with budget by 15th January 2018 To conduct monthly stock inventory of medicine To open a separate medicine account to maintain revolving fund by 31st January 2018 20 Future Goals To provide 24-hour dispensary services To establish and improve storage condition of the clinic To recruit additional qualified personnel to manage the dispensary and store To expand dispensing and store area After