Presentation Outline Quarter 1 Performance as per approved Annual Performance Plan 2018/2019 Progress on MTSF Targets Departmental Expenditure Report as at 30 June 2018 Areas that require improvement Actions Implemented to Address Performance Recommendations
1. Programme 1: Administration There was 75% department compliance in respect of statutory tabling and prescripts and this includes MPAT, Quarter 4 Performance Report, submission of training reports to the DPME, submission of the Annual Report and Annual Financial Statements There were 23 invoices out of 1571 invoices which were paid after 30 days. Of the planned 100% implementation of the Human Resources Plan, 68 % was implemented. Implementation covers: Filling of vacant posts, Implementation of HRA conditions of services and benefits, Diversity awareness session etc. The organizational structure is being costed within current budget allocation and be considered within the prescript 2/24/2019
1. Programme 1: Administration Progress in legislation of Human settlements indicates the following: The Property Practitioners’ Bill 2018 has been introduced into Parliament The Human Settlements Bill 2018 has been considered as part of policy and legislation The amendments to PIE Amendment Bill 2018 will be considered after relevant consultation with stakeholders The HLAMDA and Consumer Protection Bill are being submitted to Parliament for approval The development of the Development Bank Bill 2018 is being finalised along with the business case. 184 disputes are lodged with the office of Ombudsman and 175 under investigation
2. Programme 2: Human Settlements Policy, Strategy and Planning The Framework for Upgrading of Informal Settlement Programme (UISP) was developed and is being submitted for approval The research agenda which was approved during the period under review covers: The review of a model for calculating jobs created during the delivery of Human Settlements. Research to determine how other countries deal with the poor and homeless people Towards the development of a National Rental Housing Strategy and Policy Analysis of the functionality of residential property market Review of the empowerment framework for the designated groups in the Human Settlements Sector. 2/24/2019
3. Programme 3: Housing Delivery Targets 101 Feasibilities studies on informal settlements were conducted in Nelson Mandela (31), Buffalo City (20), Jhb Region D (26), Jhb Region F (12), Lesedi (12) 14 Informal settlements upgrading plans were developed in Tlokwe (JB Marks) Gauteng and City of Tshwane were supported on the implementation of the informal settlements upgrading programme. Housing for non-statutory Military Veterans: The Department is in the process of assisting Provinces in the delivery 250 units for Military Veterans and in the period under review 11 houses were handed over. 2/24/2019
3. Programme 3: Revitilisation of Distressed Mining Communities Program The department supported Municipalities with Mining communities through the development and conclusion in the following areas : Province Municipality Limpopo LIM 476 (Fetakgomo/Greater Tubatse) Elias Motsoaledi, Lephalale, Thabazimbi, Mogalakwena (new) Gauteng Rand West City (Westonaria and Randfontein), Mogale City, Merafong North West Rustenburg, Moses Kotane, Madibeng, Kgetleng Rivier, City of Matlosana Mpumalanga Emalahleni, Steve Tshwete, Thaba Chweu Free State Matjhabeng Northern Cape Gamagara,Tsatsabane, Kgatelopele, Ga-Segonyana, Joe Morolong (new), Khai-Ma (new) 2/24/2019
The following catalytic projects were implemented: 3. Programme 3: Programme Monitoring and Delivery Support (Catalytic Projects) The following catalytic projects were implemented: Eastern Cape (6) Algoa Park Infill Project, Duncan Village Jachvlakte Sustainable Human Settlement Plan,Kwanobuhle Irdp,N2 Nodal Development and Zanemvula Free state (3) Airport Node-Estoire ,Sasolburg Properties Baken Park Ext 6 & 7 Gauteng (13) Booysens Extension 4 (Kirkney) ,Chief Albert Luthuli Ext 6 ,John Dube Alexandra Renewal Project (Arp), Evaton Housing Upgrade,Fort West ,Leeuwpoort Lion Park, Malibongwe Ridge Mixed Housing Project ,Syferfontein ,Lufhereng Olievenhoutbosch Extension 36 Zithobeni 8 And 9 And Zithobeni Heights KZN (8) Umlazi Urban Regeneration ,Cornubia Housing Project ,Jbc Mega Housing Development ,Hydepark Country Estate ,Greater Amaoti Housing Project ,Empangeni Mega Irdp ,Ethekwini Inner City and Kwamashu Urban Hub
3. Programme 3: Programme Monitoring and Delivery Support (Catalytic Projects) Limpopo (1) Lephalale Altoostyde Mpumalanga (1) Klarinet Integrated Housing Development - Phase 2 North West (2) Matlosana N12 and Bokamoso Northern Cape (2) Lerato Park Integrated Housing Development Project, Tsantsabane Mixed Typology and Integrated Infrastructure Project Western Cape (6) N2 Gateway (Southern Corridor N2 P2) (Southern Corridor Integrated Human Settlement Programme), Belhar Cbd Development, Thembalethu UISP, Wilderness Heights, Syferfontein, Erf 325 West, Vlakkeland Housing Project, Vredenburg Urban, North Eastern Corridor and
3. Programme 3: Programme Monitoring and Delivery Support (Capacity Development ) 104 Practitioners were trained on human settlements skills developments programmes, in particular, land and property spatial information system (LaPsis) Province Total Number National 30 KwaZulu-Natal 10 North West 23 Limpopo 41 Total 104 2/24/2019
46 youth were supported through the scholarship programme: 3. Programme 3: Programme Monitoring and Delivery Support (Capacity Development ) 46 youth were supported through the scholarship programme: Province Total Number Eastern Cape 3 Gauteng 2 KwaZulu Natal 35 Limpopo 1 Mpumalanga North-West Western Cape Total 46 2/24/2019
3. Programme 3: Programme Monitoring and Delivery Support (Capacity Development ) The Capacity Development Programme of the Department includes the following initiatives: Training of officials Wits Programme The Wits programme is designed to empower newly appointed officials at all three spheres of government for all officials who are responsible for housing delivery. The programme is intended to train officials on human settlements policies, processes and the housing service delivery chain. Further to this, the programme was intended to be an entry level qualification into human settlements specific skills development.
3. Programme 3: Programme Monitoring and Delivery Support (Capacity Development ) The Capacity Development Programme of the Department includes the following initiatives: The impact of the programme is as follows The programme responds to the outcome 8 objectives in terms of content of the programme and in terms of the sub outcome on capacity interventions The programme forms part of the National Department Workplace Skills Plan, with officials at various levels putting it in their personal development plans. This is been an on-going trend for the past financial years
3. Programme 3: Programme Monitoring and Delivery Support (Capacity Development ) There is a constant demand from municipalities and provinces for officials to attend the programme The programme has been attended by officials in provinces ,municipalities and the national department (with senior and top management forming part of the attendants) 2/24/2019
3. Programme 3: Programme Monitoring and Delivery Support (Capacity Development ) IMPACT OF THESE PROGRAMMES The training programmes have improved the understanding of human settlements policies, processes and legislation at all three spheres The programmes have also contributed to officials understanding their roles in the human settlements delivery chain particularly new officials and those that work in support services but were moved to technical spaces in their provinces or municipalities The programmes have also increased the depth of understanding that technical officials have and has enriched the content of the training as inputs on how to improve the training programmes have been incorporated into the programmes over the years
Partially Achieved (50% - 99%) Target Achieved (100%) Partially Achieved (50% - 99%) Remedial action is needed to avoid this / there is progress, but the target is not yet achieved. Not Achieved (0% - 49%) Certainty that the target will not be achieved or was not achieved in the planned timeframes – major remedial action and urgent intervention is required / the target is far from being reached or not going to be achieved at all
4. MTSF IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS AS AT 30 JUNE 2018 MTSF TARGET 2019 Performance 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2018 Performance Quarter 1 2018/19 Total up to 30 June 2018 635 000 additional households living in adequate housing through the subsidy and affordable housing segments (annual target 127 000) 415 047 16 939 431 986 750 000 households in informal settlements provided with upgraded access to basic services(individual access or shared access) by 2019 (annual target 150 000) 555 235 28 722 583 957 452 650 individual units for subsidy housing submarket provided by 2019 (annual target 90 530) 370 999 16 381 387 380 Increase in the volume of home loans granted by private sector and DFI’s to households in the affordable housing market and the creation of new units 315 626 10 301 325 927
4. MTSF IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS AS AT 30 JUNE 2018 MTSF TARGET 2019 Performance 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2018 Performance Quarter 1 2018/19 Total up to 30 June 2018 Number of affordable rental housing opportunities provided State-led:11 847 State-led: 273 CRU: 272 Private: 0 State-led:12 120 CRU: 6 394 CRU: 6 666 Private: 19 282 452 650 title deeds issued to new homeowners in the subsidy submarket and backlog eradicated (New Developments): 93 960 (Backlog pre- and post- 1994: 244 953 (New Developments): 3 193 11 308 97 153 256 261 10 000 of hectares of well-located land rezoned and released for new developments targeting poor and lower middle income households 16 412 ha 1 290.1 ha 17 720.1ha NHBRC enrolments 614 projects representing 229 275 units 46 projects representing 13 219 units 660 projects representing 242 494 units
4. MTSF IMPLEMENTATION: SUMMARY OF PROGRESS AS AT 30 JUNE 2018 MTSF OBJECTIVE DELIVERY AS ON 31 MARCH 2018 REMAINING BALANCE 635 000 additional households living in adequate housing through the subsidy and affordable housing segments 431 986 (68.0%) 203 014 750 000 households in informal settlements provided with improved living conditions (individual and shared access to services and security of tenure) by 2019 583 957(77.9%) 166 043 NUSP to assist Municipalities with the upgrading of informal settlements by assessment of current status and development of settlement upgrading plans: Target: 2 200 informal settlements 1 658 informal settlements assessed 912 settlement upgrading plans developed 542 settlements 1 288 upgrading plans 452 650 individual units for the subsidy housing submarket provided by 2019 387 957 (85.7%) 64 693 27 000 Social Housing units completed or under construction 12 120(44.9%) 14 880 10 000 CRU units delivered 6 666 (66.7%) 3 344 25 000 affordable private rental units delivered 19 282 (77.1%) 5 718 70 000 housing opportunities delivered through FLISP 8 361 (11.9%) 61 639
4. MTSF IMPLEMENTATION: SUMMARY OF PROGRESS AS AT 30 JUNE 2018 MTSF OBJECTIVE DELIVERY AS ON 31 MARCH 2018 REMAINING BALANCE 818 262 title deed backlog eradicated 256 261(31.3%) 562 001 452 650 title deeds issued to new homeowners in the subsidy submarket and backlog eradicated 97 153 (21.5%) 355 497 10 000 of hectares of well-located land rezoned and released for new developments targeting poor and lower middle income households 17 720.1ha (177.2%) -7 720 ha Number of home loans granted by the Private Sector and the DFI’s to households in the affordable market : Target 582 000 loans (includes incremental loans) Representing new units: 44 822 units 325 927 loans (56.0%) 256 073 Note: Based on performance information available on 21 August 2018 – numbers still to be confirmed during Performance Review meetings scheduled up to 30/08/18 (version 2)
Presentation on the expenditure of the department and Human/Urban Settlements Developments Grants
Projections vs Expenditure by Programme: 30 June 2018 Programmes ProjectionsR’000 Commitments R’000 Expenditure Variance % Spent 1. Administration 93 414 34 196 86 159 7 255 92% 2. Human Settlements Policy, Strategy and Planning 18 809 740 17 442 1 367 93% 3. Human Settlements Delivery Support 31 471 49 118 28 606 2 865 91% 4. Housing Development Finance (Includes Human Settlements Development Grant Transfer) 4 276 078 (3 951 491) 1 229 4 172 728 103 350 98% Total 4 419 772 85 283 4 304 935 114 837 97% 2/24/2019
Expenditure by Programme: 30 June 2018 Total Allocation R' 000 Commitments Expenditure Variance % Spent 1. Administration 442 650 34 196 86 159 356 491 19% 2. Human Settlements Policy, Strategy and Planning 89 781 740 17 442 72 339 3. Programme Delivery Support 246 005 49 118 28 606 217 399 12% 4. Housing Development Finance 31 577 280 1 229 4 172 728 27 404 552 13% Total 32 355 716 85 283 4 304 935 28 050 781
Expenditure by economic classification: 30 June 2018 Total Allocation Commitments Expenditure Variance % Spent Compensation of employees 376 945 - 80 539 296 406 21% Goods and services 405 977 83 483 52 778 353 199 13% Interest Paid 0% Payments For Financial Assets 80 002 80 102 (100) 100% Transfers and subsidies 31 482 159 4 090 355 27 391 804 Payments for capital assets 10 633 1 800 1 161 9 472 11% Total 32 355 716 85 283 4 304 935 28 050 781
Operational Expenditure by Programme: 30 June 2018 Total Allocation R' 000 Commitments Expenditure Variance % Spent 1. Administration 442 575 34 196 86 018 356 557 19% 2. Human Settlements Policy, Strategy and Planning 88 435 740 16 237 72 198 18% 3. Programme Delivery Support 235 613 49 118 27 129 208 484 12% 4. Housing Development Finance 26 934 1 229 5 197 21 737 Total 793 557 85 283 134 580 658 977 17%
Transfer Payments: 30 June 2018 Total Allocation Transferred Variance % Transferred Grants 30 391 312 4 010 546 26 380 766 13% Human Settlements Development Grant 18 166 520 3 951 491 14 215 029 22% Urban Settlements Development Grant 11 306 137 - 0% Municipal Emergency Housing Grant 260 000 Provincial Emergency Housing Grant 140 000 Title Deeds Restoration Grant 518 655 59 055 459 600 11% Entities 1 079 034 76 985 1 002 049 7% Social Housing Regulatory Authority: Operational 51 980 100% Social Housing Regulatory Authority: Institutional Investment 20 132 Social Housing Regulatory Authority: Restructuring Capital Grant 743 640 Social Housing Regulatory Authority: Regulations 10 000 Community Schemes Ombuds Services 31 105 25 005 6 100 80% Housing Development Agency 222 177 Departmental Transfers 11 813 2 824 8 989 24% Scholarship Programme 10 392 1 401 8 991 UN Habitat 1 346 1 205 141 90% Households 75 218 (143) 290% Payments for financial assets 80 000 National Housing Finance Corporation Total 31 562 159 4 170 355 27 391 804
Human Settlements Development Grant Expenditure (HSDG) Performance as at 30 June 2018 Provinces Voted Funds Year to date (1 April 2018 - 30 June 2018) Transferred Funds Spent by Provinces Unspent against Transferred Funds Unspent against Total available % Transferred against Total Available % Spent against Total Available % Spent against Transferred Funds % Unspent against Transferred Funds R'000 Eastern Cape 1 908 439 502 076 500 846 1 230 1 407 593 26 100 Free State 1 072 422 225 473 221 029 4 444 851 393 21 98 2 Gauteng 5 046 583 880 070 262 729 617 341 4 783 854 17 5 30 70 KwaZulu-Natal 3 152 757 696 929 690 096 6 833 2 462 661 22 99 1 Limpopo 1 287 681 328 195 270 254 57 941 1 017 427 25 82 18 Mpumalanga 1 278 427 432 380 454 128 - 21 748 824 299 34 36 105 -5 Northern Cape 474 791 104 605 27 472 77 133 447 319 6 74 North West 1 926 644 376 609 234 657 141 952 1 691 987 20 12 62 38 Western Cape 2 018 776 405 154 240 491 164 663 1 778 285 59 41 Total 18 166 520 3 951 491 2 901 702 1 049 789 15 264 818 16 73 27
Delivery: 3 months in relation to Targets % Performance on Delivery (April – June 2018)
Finance Linked Individual Subsidy Programme as at 30 June 2018 Report as at 30 June 2018 Province Annual Targets Delivery Performance Approvals Funds Allocated Ringfenced Funds Expenditure R'000 Eastern Cape 200 10 000 26 1 129 Free State 225 14 000 4 Gauteng 13 320 688 853 616 000 - 995 KwaZulu-Natal 2 226 110 228 110 000 36 2 861 Limpopo 100 5 046 5 000 Mpumalanga 300 24 360 1 27 Northern Cape 20 2 000 North West 79 7 031 7 000 5 240 Western Cape 400 76 036 73 000 125 5 666 Total 16 870 937 554 842 000 197 11 118
Mining Towns expenditures as at 30 June 2018 Province Mining Towns as at 30 June 2018 Area Annual Targets Delivery Performance Sites Units Other Funds Allocated (Gazetted) Funds Allocated (As per BP Expenditure R'000 Free State Matjhabeng 5 454 229 - 66 200 89 085 5 43 606 Total 189 085 Gauteng Merafong City 46 900 28 Rand West City 500 300 73 400 33 527 63 Mogale City 250 31 100 196 070 550 151 400 276 497 Limpopo Thabazimbi 32 400 Elias Motsoaledi 25 600 57 071 145 13 321 Lephalale 419 28 100 143 184 104 14 488 Fetakgomo Tubatse 59 100 29 894 81 10 214 Mogalakwena 82 20 000 28 093 154 12 349 501 165 200 290 642 330 38 023
Mining Towns expenditures as at 30 June 2018 Province Mining Towns as at 30 June 2018 Area Annual Targets Delivery Performance Sites Units Other Funds Allocated (Gazetted) Funds Allocated (As per BP Expenditure R'000 Mpumalanga Emalahleni 500 2 178 - 63 900 321 288 959 164 169 Steve Tshwete 608 338 37 500 67 341 157 43 976 Thaba- Chweu 101 32 900 9 160 40 5 904 Total 1 108 2 617 134 300 417 789 1 156 214 049 Northern Cape Tsantsabane 187 24 800 22 313 Ga-Segonyana 310 20 25 700 29 960 3 384 Gamagara 100 24 700 28 708 3 694 Kgatelopele 140 20 900 20 966 Khai-Ma 20 000 Joe Morolong 89 686 249 136 100 146 647 7 078 North West Rustenburg 1 062 66 300 181 965 3 116 Madibeng 1 155 79 500 179 832 59 16 928 Kgetleng River 99 34 700 13 148 152 9 476 Moses Kotane 429 71 800 57 535 360 399 10 672 City of Matlosana 139 1 857 94 200 285 837 826 164 302 29 741 4 602 346 500 718 317 1 186 434 701 69 933 Grand Total 7 887 8 748 550 999 700 2 038 977 953 372 689
Urban Settlements Development Grant Expenditure (USDG) Performance as at 30 June 2018 Metros Total Available Funds USDG EXPENDITURE (01 July 2017 – 30 JUNE 2018) Spent by Municipality – 31 May 2018 Unspent funds - 31 May 2018 % Spent vs. Total Available Funds 31May18 - 30 June 2018 30Jun18 YTD Expenditure movement 31May – 30Jun Unspent funds – 30 June 2018 R'000 Buffalo City 928 128 633 846 294 282 68.3 847 468 91,3 213 622 80 660 Nelson Mandela Bay 1 090 561 724 075 366 486 66.4 100 - Mangaung 943 536 542 982 400 554 57.5 667 910 70,8 124 928 275 626 City of Ekurhuleni 2 097 108 1 359 011 738 097 64.8 2 052 516 97,9 693 505 44 592 City of Johannesburg 1 501 731 930 927 570 804 62.0 1 498 085 99,8 567 158 3 646 City of Tshwane 1 616 415 974 785 641 630 60.3 1 410 597 87,3 435 812 205 818 eThekwini 1 980 109 1 162 799 817 310 58.7 City of Cape Town 1 377 487 810 496 566 991 58.8 1 211 338 87,9 400 842 166 149 Total 11 535 075 7 138 921 4 396 154 61.9 10 758 584 93,3 3 619 663 776 491
Consolidation – Fund Utilisation as at 30 June 2018 Description Budget % of Total Budget Spent by Municipality % Spent Unspent funds % Unspent R'000 Land Banking & Property acquisition 232 109 2.0 229 977 99,1 2 132 0,9 Housing & Human Settlements 3 674 373 31.9 3 372 630 91,8 301 744 8,2 Roads and Storm water 1 392 528 12.1 1 323 989 95,1 68 539 4,9 Transport 643 104 5.6 603 750 93,9 39 354 6,1 Water and Sanitation 3 373 113 29.2 3 174 151 94,1 198 962 5,9 Electricity 1 386 919 12.0 1 343 465 96,9 43 454 3,1 Waste Management 107 268 0.9 101 724 94,8 5 544 5,2 Socio Economic Amenities 497 851 4.3 439 419 88,3 58 432 11,7 3% USDG OPSCAP - BCM, Mangaung, Ekurhuleni, CoT, eThekwini & CoCT 187 900 1.6 169 479 90,2 18 421 9,8 VAT - City of Cape Town 39 909 0.3 - 0,0 100,0 Total 11 535 074 100 10 758 584 93,3 776 491 6,7
Title Deeds Restoration Grant Expenditure (TDRG) Performance as at 30 June 2018 Expenditure as at 30 June 2018 Provinces Voted Year to date (1 APRIL 2018-30 JUNE 2018 ) Total Available Transfers to Provinces Spent by Provinces Unspent against Transferred funds Transfers as % of Voted Funds Spent as % of Total Available Spent as % of Transferred Funds R'000 R’000 Eastern Cape 65 583 4 801 724 4 077 7 1 15 Free State 50 187 8 061 587 7 474 16 Gauteng 105 811 - KwaZulu-Natal 101 422 10 608 5 163 5 445 10 5 49 Limpopo 22 506 4 241 1 798 2 443 19 8 42 Mpumalanga 51 734 9 148 2 334 6 814 18 26 Northern Cape 20 364 1 990 North West 50 687 7 616 15 180 -7 564 30 199 Western Cape 50 361 12 590 25 Total 518 655 59 055 25 786 33 269 11 44 The 2018 Division of Revenue Act was enacted on the 04th June 2018 and the first tranche of the TDRG was disbursed on 15 June 2018. GP = Grant not transferred
Emergency Housing Grants Allocation The allocations for the 2018 /2019 financial years are as follows: Applications Received: Bitou Municipality (Western Cape) : The relocation costs of R800.00 per household amounting to R55 200. 00 Transitional Residential Area units (TRA’s) amounting to R3 933 000.00. City of Johannesburg (Gauteng) Application did not meet the conditions as per the grant framework. Disaster occurred in December 2017. Application was for the repairs of damaged housing units (821 households). Grant 2018/19 Provincial Emergency Housing Grant R260 million Municipal Emergency Housing Grant R140 million
2017/18 Audit Outcome 1. Quality of submitted financial statements Department of Human Settlement received unqualified audit opinion and the Annual Financial Statement were free from material misstatements however with emphasis of matter on the audit report. 2. Supply Chain Management Department of Human Settlement received no audit queries 3. Human Resources Management Department of Human Settlements received no material audit findings 4. Quality of submitted performance information-programme 2,3 and 4 were selected for audit Programme 2- Received qualification due to the below reasons; Invalid, inaccurate and incomplete information reported in the Annual report e.g. title deeds and Land acquired, rezoned and released for new development. Programme 3- Received qualification due to the below reasons Due to limitation of scope of 5 indicators out of 19 (no audit evidence submitted for households upgraded in IS, 2 Provinces did not submit info on individual units for subsidy market, No evidence for Private Affordable Rental units, 2 Provinces did not submit evidence for CRU’s, No audit evidence submitted for projects that were monitored and verified & Incomplete information submitted for Military Veterans Programme 4- Received unqualified audit opinion
Areas that require attention for improved performance
Areas that require attention for improved performance The department is in the process of consulting the National Treasury and the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation to ensure improvement in managing within the current concurrency in budgeting, planning and performance reporting process. The department has instituted an improved IGR contracting process with sector partners in order to address recurring audit findings about insufficient supporting evidence for the achievement of the targets and systems and processes to verify the reliability, accuracy and reliability of specific reported achievements. .
Areas that require attention for improved performance To achieve improved delivery targets, the department has instituted the comprehensive review process of performance information The department has consulted provinces and municipalities on the 2017/18 audit findings in order to ensure the submission of credible, reliable and useful performance information A revised Title Restoration Grant and Programme Support has been implemented 2/24/2019
Areas that require attention for improved performance Metros are on accrual basis of accounting thus invoices are still being processed; Unspent funds will be subjected to rollover processes in terms of Section 22 of DoRA (funds are committed); A team comprised of Planning , project management unit and Finance undertake visits to Metros to verify that any unspent funds on identifiable projects are committed.
Recommendation It is recommended that the Portfolio Committee notes the first quarter performance report. 2/24/2019
THANK YOU 2/24/2019