Fatigue Characteristic of RC Beams Strengthen with CFRP Strand sheet B4 Junpei Kasai
Today’s Topic ・Background & Purpose ・Experiment & Result ・Future plan
Background & Purpose Static behavior clear Fatigue behavior unclear To make fatigue behavior clear To analyze residual strength after 2milion fatigue load
Experiment & Result Maximum load 90kN Minimum load 10kN ・Specimen
Experiment & Result Figure of Crack
Experiment & Result Figure of Crack
Experiment & Result ・Failure model 1layer Bending failure Maximum load 250kN Debonding occur at end of sheet 2layer Bending failure Maximum load 260kN Debonding occur at end of sheet
Experiment & Result Load-displacement at loading point of 1 layer
Experiment & Result Load-displacement at loading point of 1 2ayer
Experiment & Result Maximum load Static After fatigue 1layer 278kN 250kN 2layers 315kN 260kN Enough residual strength
Experiment & Result Strain of sheet
Experiment & Result Strain of sheet 1layer>2layer The number of loads increase Strain of sheet increase Strain of sheet 1layer>2layer
Experiment & Result Bond stress of sheet
Experiment & Result 1layer>2layers Bond stress of sheet Sheet debonding Bond stress move
Future plan Static test Thank you for your kind attention !! ~ 2009 Dec 24 2009 Dec 25 ~ Analysis & Thesis Thank you for your kind attention !!