Industrial World
Emergence of Europe (1350 - 1600) Causes (#3) Technology Improved navigation (Astrolabe, compass, maps,) ships money economy/Commercial Revolution Moved away from barter economy Rise of banking and lending Profit from exploration and trade overseas exploration/expansion/trade Vasco Da Gama (1497-1498)
Carracks were ocean-going ships: large enough to be stable in heavy seas, and roomy enough to carry provisions for long voyages. They were the ships in which the Portuguese and the Spanish explored the world in the 15th and 16th centuries. Forerunner of the great ships of the age of sail, the carrack was one of the most influential ship designs in history; while ships became more specialized, the basic design remained unchanged throughout the Age of Sail Florin
The route followed in Vasco da Gama's first voyage (1497–1499) Bartolomeu Dias returned from rounding the Cape of Good Hope in 1488
2nd Agricultural Revolution causes new plants from Americas new farming methods and machines Effects (#4a) Increased food production population growth decreased demand for farm workers = move to cities = large workforce
Industrial Revolution (1750-1914) Machines replaced hand tools, and steam and electricity replace animal and human power (1a) Causes factors of production: land (iron/coal), labor with good wages, and capital (#2a) Money that can be invested Mechanization to change a process so that it is performed by machinery instead of human or animal labor Entrepreneurs (#2b) People who risk their money to set up a business in order to make a profit
Industrial Revolution (1750-1914) Effects (#4b) Steam Engine - Better transportation, communication, mining, improved healthcare Urbanization (#2c) Growth of cities Poor working conditions Need for raw materials Imperialism (#2d) – Empire Building the control by one country of the political, economic, and cultural life of another country or region
Crash Course: Industrial Revolution
The Industrialized Society
The Industrialized Society
The Industrialized Society
Quick Check A major result of the Industrial Revolution in Europe was increased urbanization invention of gunpowder a decline in the factory system a strengthening of European nations
Age of Imperialism (1870 – 1914) causes: (#5) Industrial Revolution = need for raw materials/foreign markets competition between European nations advance weapons – gunpowder to guns video - video Wealth effects: Economic dependence of non-western nations Westernization (#2e) adoption of western culture Nationalism: (#2f) movements for independence based on national and cultural pride
In Short The Industrial revolution leads to… Imperialism which leads to… Nationalism Decolonization with John Green Skip 3:10 – 5:44
Quick Check During the Age of Imperialism, European nations used new inventions to speed up the production of goods. supported the growth of nationalism in other parts of the world. helped developing nations to build modern, industrial economies. extended their economic and political control around the world.
Cold War (#1b) after WW II, a period of political and economic struggle between the Democratic nations of the West (US) and the Communist Bloc (former Soviet Union)
What do you think NOW … and THEN? 1. European nations were able to gain colonies by the 1800’s. 2. The 2nd Agricultural Revolution and the Industrial Revolution led to the rise of field workers in both Europe and the United States. 3. The Age of Imperialism change the power relationships around the world. 4. Nationalism is pride and loyalty in a country other than your own.
Use pages 37-42