WHAT IS NewMDSX? NewMDSX is…… A library of self-contained computer programs and utilities for performing multidimensional scaling (and related procedures) run under a Windows environment with: Graphical “Input Wizard” to help the user with data input and specification of details for running a program a common simple command language (syntax) and extensive user-documentation, both technical and user- oriented -- Graphical representation of results, allowing labelling, rotation and saving of configurations test input and output data to ensure correct running, and access to a simple archive of illustrative and classic data- sets in a ready-to-run format. Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
NewMDSX Why is NewMDSX a Library and not a Package? (e.g. SPSS, SAS). Because… specific programs & algorithms are more robust when fine-tuned to particular sorts of data e.g. TRISOSCAL is designed specifically for direct input of triadic judgment data and fits them directly in this post-modernist age, allows User to pick and choose what she wants and minimize cost; Allows programs to be inserted, modified, deleted with ease. Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
NewMDSX is available in 2 forms: either (1) NewMDSX for Windows A new development, with clean and simple Windows front-end and interface, extensive graphics, context-based help files. A free month-limited trial version is available at: http://www.newmdsx.com/Windowsversion/registration.html OR: The original MDSX (see Original-MDSX.ppt for details and history of the Project) in MS-DOS format ( as .exe. Files), documentation etc., organised and downloadable by program: http://www.newmdsx.com/new_version.htm n.b. This version is entirely free, but we offer no support . Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
MDSX Documentation The User’s Guide to Multidimensional Scaling with special reference to the MDS(X) Library of Computer Programs, London: Heinemann Educational A.P.M. Coxon (1982) Key Texts in Multidimensional Scaling , (Reader) London: Heinemann Educational Edited P.M. Davies and A.P.M. Coxon The MDS(X) Series of Multidimensional Scaling Programs Edinburgh, PLU: IURCS, Report no. 51 MDS(X) Pocket Guide Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
NewMDSX for Windows In 2000: the original MDSX Project group reformed as NewMDSX in order to: re-think structure and purpose of MDSX, and review future developments Involve other interested collaborators, associated projects e.g. Ron Heady’s interactive MDS, PERMAP program: http://www.ucs.louisiana.edu/~rbh8900/ “mothball” unused / suboptimal programs Choose and include new programs Develop the Windows implementation Modularise and rewrite documentation and contextual help. Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
IMPROVEMENTS IN NEWMDSX FOR WINDOWS Clean simple opening page Choose program to run (e.g. MINISSA) DATA INPUT: (with free-format, avoiding the dreaded INPUT FORMAT specification!) INPUT WIZARD, which also allows for file input , or collection at screen “Behind” the run is a MDSX RunScript / Syntax, most instructions are default; Easy to modify test-input to own needs Extensive graphic results, with configurations that can be manipulated Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
Clean Opening Page Note: -- Toolbar Includes: Program pull-down -- Page is Tabbed, Input vs Output Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
Choose Program to run Pull-down List specifies program to be used. Once chosen/clicked, it will bring up the program-specific “Input Wizard” appropriate for setting parameters and data-input for the chosen program Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
“Input Wizard” for MINISSA Fill in specifics (which include data-shape) Note: HELP pull-down (accesses contextual HELP) (Next) ..data input Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
Forms of Data Input From File OPEN: Retrieve an existing file RE-OPEN: “Summon” current or recent data-set list (kept internally to newMDSX) NEW: Type data in to NewMDSX spread-sheet via the Input Wizard (“Next”) or Paste from Clipboard, from SPSS, EXCEL etc Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
ACCESSING FILES : Re-opening Files -> Re-open -> PDL of recent data-sets. Note that RunScript Syntax files (*.inp) can be input this way too. Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
Spread-sheet Data Input (Direct or File input ) Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
Program Runs RunScript (syntax) file is produced by Input Wizard, or typed in directly, or input as an existing *.inp file. The COMPUTE instruction runs the program The results are put in the Output tabbed page Further graphical analysis can then be implemented, if desired Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
Input and Output Tabbed Pages INPUT RUNSCRIPT: ________________________________________ RUN NAME DRUGS, MINISSA SCALING, COMMENT SIMPLE CO-OCC. DATA N OF STIMULI 28 DIMENSIONS 3 TO 2 LABELS ALCOHOL AMPHETAMINE [...] VIAGRA PARAMETERS DATA(0) READ MATRIX 4 6 4 4 22 20 49 2 9 3 [ ... ] PLOT SHEP(2) FINAL COMPUTE FINISH Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
Graphics in NewMDSX Configurations (2D, 3D, Andrews >3D) And also Shepard diagram, Stress x Iteration [minimization], Stress x Dimension [Scree Plot] Can all be plotted (and saved as .jpg) from Output file Configurations can also be: Point-Labelled # of letters and size of font changed) Transformed [rotate , reflect, zoom] Drawn with/without grid, Drawn on (lines, ellipses, text inserted ) Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
Graphics 3-D CONFIGURATION: Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
Graphics: 2D, 3D 2D configuration 3D reflected, rotated, shortened labels 2D configuration Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
Graphics: 3D Interpreted & Andrews Plot (5D) Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
PROGRAMS All the current 20 NewMDSX programs (and their characteristics) are given in: NewMDSX_Programs2005 Changes since original MDSX: Programs common to MDSX & NewMDSX: CANDECOMP, CONJOINT/UNICON, HICLUS,INDSCAL-S, MDPREF, MINIRSA, MINISSA-N, MRSCAL, PARAMAP, PINDIS, PREFMAP, PROFIT, TRISOSCAL, WOMBATS Only in MDSX, dropped from NewMDSX: MINICPA, MVNDS Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
NEW PROGRAMS Additions (only in NewMDSX) Major changes and expansion: BBDIAM (Partition Clustering), CONPAR (Points-of-View 3-way analysis), CORRESP (Simple Coirrespondence Analysis) MDSORT (Takane’s direct MD analysis of sorting data) PRINCOMP (Principal Components Analysis) PROCRUSTES (Simple Procrustean Analysis of Configurations; Legitimate Transforms only) Major changes and expansion: WOMBATS (‘Work Out Measures Before Attempting To Scale’ !) Utility for taking rectangular data matrices and calculating various measure/s of dis/similarity). Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
NEWMDSX PROGRAMS NewMDSX tradition differentiates programs in terms of D-T-M: DATA (‘shape’ of data input; Way & Mode) TRANSFORM (Level of Measurement, determines what legitimate transformations may be used to re-scale the data) MODEL (Composition – usually Distance or Vector) Here follow brief descriptions of programs, organised by Data Type. Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
NEWMDSX PROGRAMS: 2W1M 2W1M: typically lower-triangular (or square) data matrix where data(i,j)=data(j,i) = dis/similarity measure between objects i and j Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
2W2M PROGRAMS: Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
3WPROGRAMS: Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
NewMDS(X) SPONSORS: Prof. Paul Barrett Adjunct Professor of Psychometrics and Performance Measurement (University of Auckland Prof. Cecilio Mar Molinero Professor of Management Science, Kent Business School, University of Kent , UK Dr Mike A A. Cox Lecturer , School of Biology and Psychology, University of Newcastle, UK Prof. John C. Gower Dept of Statistics, Open University Prof. W.J. Heiser Professor of Psychology, Statistical Methods and Data Theory Leiden University Prof. P. M. Kroonenberg Department of Education and Child Studies, Leiden University Prof. Michael D. Lee Associate Professor Department of Psychology, University of Adelaide ; Cognitive Sciences, University of California, Irvine Prof. Yoshio Takane Professor, Department of Psychology, McGill University, Montreal. Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon
NewMDS(X) Project Team: Professor A.P.M. Coxon (University of Edinburgh) Mr P.K. Hawkins Dr A.P. Brier (University of Southampton) NewMDSX URLs: http://www.newmdsx.com To download latest test version: http://www.newmdsx.com/Windowsversion/newmdsxwin.html Version of: May 2006 Professor APM Coxon