A few naïve reactions to yesterday
A simple point Important effort to simplify the message Oscillation: Fundamental Science, Applications, Methods/Instrumentation Move from competition between points of view to inclusive synthesis: complementary approaches Fundamental Science Applications Methods Fundamental Science Applications Methods
Remote Characterization Example Coupled processes in heterogeneous media Rock structure Fluids Thermal Chemistry Biology Resources Origin Discovery Exploitation Transparent Earth Remote Characterization Perturbation Mining back Overlap is testimony of the richness of the field Opportunity for multiple advocacy NSF-DOE- Congress - Industry -Public at large Experts-other scientists-
Sedimentary vs hard rock We need both! Actually 3-4: ignitious, metamorphic,sedimentary + salt Build up case: Understand the differences / complementarity in science: e.g. porosity. Additional complexity vs additional information in applications: e.g. oil vs mineral deposits in methods: variants of general approaches or need for one type Integration of existing facilities WIPP Postpone prioritization/tactics: do not clip our wings too early Prepare the scientific case; main themes Elaborate roadmaps using complementarity e.g. from simplest to more complex comparison low/high porosity
How to extract main themes? Our exercise of yesterday night If you had $10M what experiment will you perform? Look at overlap