Basic Logging for 90%+ of your voltage complaints issues! Electrocorder Basic Logging for 90%+ of your voltage complaints issues!
Electrocorder Why spend £1,000s? >90% of issues are basic Voltage quality problems. <10% involve flicker, harmonics or transients. Why spend £1,000s?
What are these common (90%) of ‘basic issues’? Poor voltage delivered to site. Poor voltage due own machinery. Desire to optimise (reduce) voltage. Low voltage on occasions (caused by loading or poor delivery).
Our Philosophy Why use £10k worth of kit for simple issues when you can use £1k? Risk damage, theft, wear & tear, users need training,….. Use cost effective loggers to filter your issues. 9/10 of your loggers should be Electrocorders. The main selling point, is that Electrocorders are very cost effective, you can have 10 or 20 units for the price of a single Fluke logger! Use this to buy bulk, allowing users to quickly and easily address issues and complaints.
If you have these ‘basic issues’? Invest in an Electrocorder, voltage logger,… EC-1V, EC-2V EC-3V, SL-3V. Most, the majority, of electrical power issues can be dealt with using an Electrocorder.