Evaluation of List Implementations Lecture 23 Fri, Mar 23, 2007
Evaluation of List Implementations The functions of the various List classes were tested by executing each of them a large number of times and computing the average execution time. Run times are expressed in microseconds per function call. All functions were applied to a list of 10000 elements.
Evaluation of List Implementations The function getElement() accessed positions both sequentially and randomly in the list. The functions insert() and remove() accessed elements randomly in the list. The functions pushBack(), pushFront(), popBack(), and popFront() were tested as well.
The Test Program ListTimer.cpp
Table of Results Type of List Get Element (seq) (rand) Insert Delete Push Front Pop Back Array List 0.002 0.054 9.8 11.7 17.9 21.8 0.026 0.017 Circ Array List 0.027 0.097 4.9 4.6 0.077 0.051 0.068 0.052 Linked List 16.2 15.3 45.1 59.3 0.220 0.184 28.4 54.3 Linked List w Tail 16.3 15.4 44.6 59.9 0.190 0.218 28.3 Doubly Linked List 9.1 8.6 23.2 32.4 0.186 Circ Linked List 9.2 31.7 0.227 0.197 0.226