Parent Orientation 2018-2019
Welcome to Stanton Elementary! There are a couple of new happenings on our campus this year and in our school district. PK - 4th (That changes us a little bit.) New drop off location (More on that later.) New middle principal: Abel Avila New Elementary Counselor: Megan Shafer Lots of new staff and new faces We have done a classroom shuffle, so most everyone is in a new spot.
Morning Drop Off The school will not be open until 7:30 each day. Staff is not on duty until that time.. Please do not drop off before 7:30. All students will come through the east doors by the practice field. Students dropped off between 7:30 & 7:45 will go to the cafeteria. Students dropped off after 7:45 and not wanting to eat in the cafeteria will go directly to the PE gym. All students will be dismissed to go to the classroom at 7:55. The first bell rings at 8:05 and the tardy bell rings at 8:10. Students arriving after 8:10 will be required to go through the front door and check in to receive a tardy slip.
New Drop Off Guidelines: Car Drop-Off Be Patient Drive as far forward as possible If you stop in the drop-off zone, have the student exit the vehicle Students move away from the vehicle and move to the walk zone Do not drop off in the parking lot or along the curb beside the parking lot It is unsafe for your child to walk unattend in the parking lot Walk-up Park in the east parking lot by Head-Start Use the crosswalk and go up the sidewalk After Friday, parents will not be allowed to enter the back doors. This is for the safety of all our students . If you need to go to the classroom you will have to check-in through the front.
After 3:50 students may be picked-up in the office. Afternoon Pick Up This is the same as last year. Car Line on Broadway Person Pickup - Practice Field - Best to park in the lot across the street by Head Start Dismissal will be at 3:05 for Pre K - North Doors. Dismissal for K -2 will begin at 3:30. Dismissal for 3 & 4 will begin at 3:35. After 3:50 students may be picked-up in the office.
Attendance and Tardies Truancy - Unexcused Absences (10) First Period tardies count as an unexcused absence When absent send a note to school and follow-up with the teacher to make sure it was turned into the office Notes will not be accepted after 3 days. Loss of Credit - Both Excused and Unexcused (17) Must be in attendance 90% of the time. Saturday School is to help make up days absent
Lunch Schedule and Prices 10:40 - PreK 10:50 - Kindergarten 11:00 - First Grade 11:10 - Second Grade 11:20 - Third Grade 11:30 - Fourth Grade Breakfast - $1.85 Served 7:30 - 8:00 K-4th Lunch $2.90
Communication Weekly Folder, teacher notes and communication Facebook - Stanton Elementary Remind 101, your child’s teacher will have sign up info available Stanton ISD Website - Communication is vitally important for us to help your child succeed, please stay in touch with your child’s teacher throughout the year.
Title 1 - Federal Funds Interventionist Student Support
➤ Classroom character lessons ➤ Parent Meetings ➤ Staff Trainings Bullying Our goal this year is to provide age-appropriate bullying awareness; creating a culture of respect and support amongst our students. ➤ Classroom character lessons ➤ Parent Meetings ➤ Staff Trainings Starts with understanding what bullying is (and is not): Physical/verbal/cyber Intentional, repetitive & intimidation/imbalance of power Severity interrupts the educational environment Parent commitment: Report concerns to teacher Allowing time for investigation Describe the behavior in specifics Understanding of confidentiality of all students will be ensured by all staff
Available Tonight: Booster Club: Sign up for Bleacher Creatures, cost $10 Transportation Director: He will be in the office to discuss any questions you might have about riding the bus. Campfire Kids: After school care Nurses: Jaclyn Denson & Gail Pardue All medications must go through them.
Everyone have a great year at Stanton Elementary. Go Buffs! What We Need From You: Update your registration forms, on paper or on line. This allows us to have all the current info that we need. To do this online, we must have your updated email. Please put your email on the sign in sheet in your classroom. Fill out and Sign the Stanton ISD Permission Form. Make sure that your child’s teacher knows exactly where they go at dismissal each day. Please do not call the office after 2:30 to change your plans, in the rush of the day, it is challenging to make sure that the message gets where it is supposed to go. Everyone have a great year at Stanton Elementary. Go Buffs!