Employee Access Portal London ISD 2019
HOME PAGE FOR EMPLOYEE ACCESS PORTAL https://txeis02.txeis.net/EmployeeAccess/app/login?distid=178906 First time logging in choose New User
Create a New User Page 1 1. Enter your four-digit employee number, birth date in the MM DO YYYY format and Zip Code 2. Click Retrieve
• Data to be verified Ensuring that you are authorized to use the system. • Employee Number, Date of Birth, Zip Code, Last Name, and First Name fields are display only and cannot be modified. Create a User Name - type a six-to-eight character user name. (No embedded spaces are allowed.) The name must be unique within the district; it is not case-sensitive. Create a Password - type a six-to-nine alphanumeric password. New password must be …. between 6 and 9 characters long. contain a number. contain an uppercase character. Hint Question -Type a question you will be asked in the event that you forget your password Hint Answer - Type the answer to the hint (case sensitive) SAVE
Inquiry Options Current Pay Information Deductions Earnings Allows you to view your current pay information set up in HR Some items have the option to request modifications These requests are done under Self-Service and will be discussed later. Deductions Allows you to view your payroll deductions as they currently exist in HR Modifications to deductions will not be allowed through the portal. You will need to contact Payroll directly. Earnings Allows you to view earnings and direct deposit information W2 Information Allows you to view your W2 for the year and previous years Previous year W2 can be viewed but not printed Leave Allows you view leave information as it exist in HR as of your most recent paycheck
Self Service Options Change Password Demographic Information Allows you to change your password Demographic Information Allows you to verify, enter and request updates to your demographic information
Earnings Choose the Pay date Your earnings statement will be available one day prior to payday Basic information Campus, check #, Period Ending, Withholding status and # of Exemptions Earnings and Deductions Gross Earnings and Tax totals TRS deductions Other deductions Net Pay Detailed Salary Breakdown Job Description and Salary Breakdown Overtime Supplemental Pay Non-TRS Taxable Pay Non-TRS Non-Taxable Pay Deductions Leave Earning statements can be printed for any Pay period current or previous
Leave Balance Beginning Balance Balance began the School year with Advanced/Earned Balance of any days earned since previous pay date (not applicable to most) Pending Earned Balance of any days earned but not processed until end of the next pay period Used Number of days used through the previous pay period Pending Used Number of days pending but not processed until the end of the next pay period Available Balance Number of days available based on processed and unprocessed data Please note pending days and available balance is subject to change prior to end of pay period
Leave Balance Cont’d Previous Leave Inquiries Leave used is available online from May 1, 2015 forward To inquire about leave used during a particular time frame Available through end of the previous pay period Choose your From Date, To Date and Leave Code Retrieve Note: Pending Leave data is not available to pull
Current Pay Information Employment Information Name, Address, Phone Employee # DOB, Gender Degree Earned Years of Experience Total and in District Professional and Non-Professional Frequency: Monthly W4 Information Marital Status (withholding purposes only) Exemptions Pay Campus Positions – Salary Breakdown Title Payments (Total and Remaining) Annual Salary, Daily Rate, Monthly Rate and Overtime Rate (if applicable) Bank Info Direct Deposit Information as shown currently in HR
Deductions W4 Deduction Info List of Current Monthly Deductions Marital Status (withholding purposes only) Number of Exemptions List of Current Monthly Deductions Description Staff Member Contribution Cafeteria Plan Employer Contribution
W2 The current year will not be opened for viewing until after all tax forms are completed, and copies can be printed from this screen.
New Password and Forgot Password To change your password choose Self-Service Change Password Enter the New Password twice Update Forgot your password Choose Forgot Password from the Log in page You will be directed to enter your SS#, DOB and Zip Code Retrieve You will be directed to Answer your Hint Question and Submit
Demographic Information Under Self-Service Demographic information you have the ability to request a change to your home phone number, cell phone number and emergency contact information from HR. Changes to your name and/or DL require additional documentation. Please contact Tammy Romo-Alcala to make these changes To Request a Change Enter the New Information in the appropriate box and Save. An alert will be sent to my email and I will either approve the change or contact you if I have any questions