GCSE Engineering @Hope Valley College Name: MR SMITH Designing: Analysis – Anthropometrics Designing: Analysis The size of my product is really important as it has to be easy to move and be portable, due to this the size or my design needs to be as minimal as possible. My products is going to have to be handheld and should be easy to adjust, this means I need to take in to consideration the anthropometric data relating to hands and meet the principles of ergonomic design. Anthropometric data: From this data it can be seen that the palm width 95percentile is 98mm. This means that my product should be able to be held by a person within 95% of the population Ergonomic Principles: Ideally the user of my products should be able to operate it with one hand. This means the weight of the tool should not be too heavy. It is also important that the centre of gravity be aligned with the centre of the gripping hand. A combination of high forces, repetitive movements, and awkward or extreme joint positions increases the likelihood of injuries to the arms and hands, which are known as upper limb disorders. I need to make sure my product is easy and comfortable to use and take into ergonomics. I will model my product and test it to highlight any ergonomic issues. GCSE Engineering @Hope Valley College