October 29th to November 2nd Classroom News October 29th to November 2nd Ms. Klinger + ErikaKlinger@abington.k12.pa.us A peek at the week + Mark your calendar * Math: Playing Name That Number Frames and Arrows Review Test Science: Touch and Roll a Mystery Mixture Growing Plants in Different Soils Why Do Plants Have Roots in Soil Communication Arts: “The Ugly Vegetables” (Realistic Fiction) Phonics, vocabulary, comprehension Writing: Informative: Informational Paragraph Grammar: Proper Nouns 10/31-Halloween parade 9:30am 11/2-Race for Education 11/6-No School 11/13-American Education Visit 11/12-Math Night-6:30pm Spelling words: 1. dress 7. stuck 2. spell 8. kick 3. class 9. rock 4. full 10. black 5.add 11. trick 6. neck 12. doll A note from your teacher: The Halloween Parade will be held on Wednesday, October 31st at 9:30 am! Please make sure your child comes dressed in their costume. There will not be time to change into them once the school day begins. Please send a change of clothes in a bag so they can change out of their costumes after the parade. Thank you Have a great week!