Effect of equilibrium phase transition on multiphase transport in relativistic heavy ion collisions 喻 梅 凌 华中师范大学粒子物理研究所 2019/2/24 第十届全国粒子物理大会 桂林.


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Presentation transcript:

Effect of equilibrium phase transition on multiphase transport in relativistic heavy ion collisions 喻 梅 凌 华中师范大学粒子物理研究所 2019/2/24 第十届全国粒子物理大会 桂林

outline Introduction and motivation AMPT model and the time evolution Collective phase transition and its effect Conclusion

I. Introduction and motivation Stages of heavy ion collision and different theoretical approach

Basic ideas of Monte Carlo simulation about transport theory Transport theory describes the evolution of parton distribition in phase space transport equations are numerically solved by simulating the dynamical evolution of the parton distributions as a succession of binary parton-parton collisions The mechanics about thermalization and formation of QGP are studied in microscopic Necessity to combine transport model with phase transition In heavy ion simulation, when collective phenomenon emerge, transport isn’t enought Parton phase is in pQCD vacuum, while hadron phase is in physical vacuum

II. AMPT model and the time evolution Components of A MultiPhase Transport Model (AMPT v2.11) Z.W.Lin et al. PRC 72(2005)064901 Initial conditions: (x,p) distributions of minijet partons from hard process and strings from soft process ,strings are melted to be partons Partonic transport: only two-body elastic scatterings two partons collide if Hadronization: Hadron transport: AMPT v2.11 was successful in elliptic flow and HBT but failed to describe hadron rapidity and transverse momentum spectra AuAu collision at 200 AGeV, impact parameter b<3fm, parton cross section 10mb

Parton and hadron time evolution in AMPT v2.11 Parton formation time: When parton interaction cease, hadrons are produced one by one The percentage of parton and hadron varies with time: When t<5fm/c, parton dominate, system in deconfined phase When t>30fm/c, hadron dominate, system in confined phase Problems occur: 1) some partons have unreasonable long lifetime 2) deconfined partons exist in confined physical vacuum 3) parton-wise hadronization but no collective phase transition

III. Collective phase transition and its effect Extract temperature from particle spectrum Assume locally thermal equilibrium, in a thermal + transverse radial flow model, the transverse mass distribution is T: kinetic freezeout temperature, Lattice predicted critical temperature

Collective phase transition following a super-cooling stage To solve the problem of AMPT, we have a physical picture: 1)High temperature QGP expands and evaporates hadrons 2)The system supercools to a point (model parameter) lower than 3)A sudden phase transition turns all the left partons to hadrons at this point hadron phase parton phase The time evolution of parton and hadron temperature with phase transition at t=5fm/c

The effect of collective phase transition on final state distribution 1) hadron rapidity distribution AMPT with phase transition describes data better

2) Elliptic flow

Collective phase transition is necessary for transport model IV. Conclusion Unreasonable long lifetime of partons is found in transport model To solve the problem, a collective phase transition is added to the transport model AMPT to replace the parton-wise hadronization Better model and data agreement are achieved for the longitudinal distribution and elliptic flow Collective phase transition is necessary for transport model

II. AMPT model and the time evolution Components of A MultiPhase Transport Model (AMPT v2.11) Initial conditions: spatial and momentum distributions of minijet partons from hard process and strings from soft process ,strings are melted to be partons Partonic transport: only two-body elastic scatterings are considered with cross section . Two partons will undergo scattering when the closest distance between them is smaller than Hadronization: Hadron transport: AMPT v2.11 was successful in elliptic flow and HBT but failed to describe hadron rapidity and transverse momentum spectra

Basic ideas of Monte Carlo simulation about transport theory Semi-classically, parton density distribution in phase space can be described by Boltzman equation Boltzman equation are solved by simulating the interaction and evolution of partons in detail The mechanics about thermalization and formation of QGP are studied microscopic Necessity to combine transport model with phase transition In transport model, partons hadronize one by one with unreasonable long lifetime Parton phase is in pQCD vacuum, while hadron phase is in physical vacuum