How to use this Template This template works using hyperlinks! Each dollar amount on the game board links to a question slide, which links to the OPTIONAL answer slide, which links back to the game board. For example, a student clicks $100 in Topic 1 to view the question. You can then require the student answer the question in a worksheet, OR you can provide the answer slides. To add hyperlinks, highlight the item to link, hold down Ctrl + K on your keyboard, then choose “Place in this document” and select the slide to link to. For example, you will highlight the $200 on Slide 3 (the game board) and link it to Slide 6 (Topic 1 $200 Question Text). Then, if you want to include answer slides, you will click on the “Reveal Answer” button and link it to Slide 7 (Topic 1 $200 Answer Text). To add slides, right-click to duplicate the question text slides and the answer text slides and fill in the questions/answers for each topic dollar amount. Then you will hyperlink the dollar amounts to the appropriate question slides. To add topics and/or dollar amounts, right click the game board and add rows/columns to the table When you’re ready to share the presentation with students, save this file as a PowerPoint Show file (.ppsx) and upload it into your Canvas course!
Topic 1 $100 $200 $500 $1000 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5
Topic 1 $100 Question Text Reveal Answer
Topic 1 $100 Answer Text Return to Game
Topic 1 $200 Question Text Reveal Answer
Topic 2 $200 Answer Text Return to Game