Red Bluff Joint Union High School District 2015-16 Unaudited Actuals
Closing Report reflects final revenues and expenditures for the 2015-16 fiscal year which ended June 30, 2016 Basis for District audit report Will be reviewed by TCDE and Auditors Filed with the State of CA by October 15, 2016
General Fund The General Fund is the chief operating fund used to account for the majority of districts transactions. Beginning Balance $ 3,835,011 Revenue $18,679,862 Expenses $19,319,498 Deficit of Exp over Revenues ($ 639,636) Ending Balance $ 3,195,375 Restricted Accts/Inventories ($ 951,600) DEU Reserve ($ 579,585) Unappropriated $ 1,664,190
2015-16 Revenue Summary
2015-16 Expenditure Summary
Enrollment District-wide enrollment for 2015-16 was 1,601 Average Daily Attendance (P-2) was 1,468.42 Attendance ratio district-wide was 91.72% RBHS 92.2% ISP 80.5% Salisbury 92.1% Reach 91.6% Statewide average attendance ratio for high schools was 94.01%
LCAP Minimum Proportionality Percentage (MPP) to meet for 2015-16 was 11.28% or $1,379,779 Unrestricted funds that had to be spent to supplement services for the low income, English language learners, and foster youth students
MPP Expenses CTE Courses with staffing and materials $668,631 Professional Development $ 2,592 Expand AVID to 11th grade $ 14,169 Alternatives to Violence Counseling $ 42,000 Read Right trainings, updates and materials $ 70,244 Read Right classified staffing $ 96,088 7-Period Schedule $ 177,460 Instructional Coaches for English, Math, and Science $ 67,243 AP courses $ 262,610 Total $1,401,037
Cafeteria Fund The Cafeteria Fund is used to operate the District’s food service program. Beginning Balance $ 61,527 Revenue $ 690,755 Expenses $ 832,219 Deficit of Exp over Rev ($ 141,464) Contribution from GF $ 84,282 Ending Balance $ 4,345
Deferred Maintenance Fund The Deferred Maintenance Fund is used for the purpose of major repair or replacement of District property. (Ex.- Buildings, HVAC, asbestos, electrical, painting, flooring, etc.) Beginning Balance $ 267,912 Revenue $ 1,185 Expenses $ 308,144 Deficit of Exp over Revenues ($ 306,959) Contribution from GF $ 45,000 Ending Balance $ 5,953
Transportation Fund The Transportation Fund is used for the acquisition, rehabilitation, retrofitting, or replacement of equipment used to transport students. Beginning Balance $ 70,563 Revenue $ 187 Expenses $ 68,536 Deficit of Exp over Revenues $ (68,349) Ending Balance $ 2,214
Developer Fee Fund The Developer Fee Fund is used to account for resources received from developer impact fees, distribution to other districts, and payments on COPS loan. Beginning Balance $ 416,770 Revenue $ 115,105 Expenses $ 332,105 Deficit of Exp over Revenues ($ 217,000) Contribution from GF $ 200,000 Ending Balance $ 399,770
County School Facilities Fund The County Schools Facilities Fund is used to account separately for State apportionments for designated modernization, new construction, and hardship projects. Beginning Balance $ 143,851 Revenue $ 1,135 Expenses $ 25,584 Deficit of Exp over Revenues $ (24,449) Ending Balance $ 119,402
Capital Outlay Projects Fund The Special Reserve – Capital Outlay Projects Fund is used to account for large capital outlay projects and pay a portion of the COPS payments. Beginning Balance $ 207,685 Revenue $ 1,996 Expenses $ 91,825 Deficit of Exp over Revenues $ (89,829) Contribution from GF $ 100,000 Ending Balance $ 217,856
Retiree Benefit Fund The Retiree Benefit Fund is used to account for the District’s contributions for the GASB 45 requirement of retiree health benefits. Our current liability is $4,802,962. There have been no contributions to this fund since 2008. Beginning Balance $ 62,950 Revenue $ -0- Expenses $ 1,439 Deficit of Exp over Revenues $ (1,439) Ending Balance $ 61,511
Review of 2015-16 Average monthly GF expenses were $1.6m AESOP software implemented(absence/substitute system) Salary increases to CTA and CSEA units with 2 year agreements Career Pathways Grant received CTE Grant through Shasta College McConnell Foundation Grant received for band uniforms Resurfaced “village” area Obtained 2 new transportation vans Completed renovations on science room, rooms 102 & 103
Next Steps Auditors were here last month and will be back again in October to finalize closing of 2015-16 before submitting to the State All ending balances from 2015-16 Unaudited Actuals will be carried forward to 2016-17 beginning balances in all accounts 2016-17 budgets will be updated with most current information October 31, 2016 will be data cut off for 1st Interim reporting 1st Interim will be brought to the Board at the December meeting