Mandate of Department of International Cooperation and European Integration MGSC 14-15 March 2013
Department of International Cooperation and European Integration Old systematization The In the existing Regulations on internal organization and systematization of the Statistical Office of Montenegro, adopted by the government of Montenegro in April 2008, Department for International Cooperation and EU Integrations belongs to the sector of macro-economic statistics, national accounts and prices. Sector of macro-economic statistics, national accounts and prices department of macro-economic statistics and national accounts department of external trade statistics department of prices (industrial, construction, agricultural and CPI) department for international cooperation and EU integrations New systematization According to the new organizational structure (which is expected to be adopted in the II quarter of 2013) MONSTAT stipulates that the Department of International Cooperation and European Integration has to be related directly to the Office of the Director. In this way the department is independent from other sectors.
Position of ICD Sector Director ICD Independence is guaranteeing a high hierarchical position to the ICD, and it allows general overview of the activities of other sectors. To full fill its mandate the Department for International Cooperation and European Integration should have strong support from the Director and top management of MONSTAT. Rules of procedure on mutual communication and general affairs between director and directly responsible persons ICD Sector Director
Structure of ICD Structurally, Department for International Cooperation and European Integration is divided by its activities into three units: • European Integration Activities related to the EU acquis - the harmonization of statistics with the acquis and its implementation in practice • International cooperation Coordination of International Cooperation activities (missions, meetings, appointments, contacts, and new initiatives) Grants and projects - Coordination of projects with the users • Translation Translation activities (written and oral translation of official documents)
Internal procedures of ICD Having in mind the changes in the Regulations on internal organization and systematization of the Statistical Office of Montenegro, ICD prepared a set of documents which severs like milestones for the future work. Strategy of ICD Mandate of ICD Rules of work of ICD Procedures in the specific field of work: Rulebook on preparation of report for needs of European Integration Procedures for organizing and monitoring the effects of the Assessment Mission Procedures for the implementation of the donor projects Procedures for translation
Strategy of ICD The strategy of ICD is a document which covers a main strategic issues related to the development of ICD within MONSTAT. In our strategy the main focus is on the following activities: Strengthening the coordination role of ICD in the process of integration of MONSTAT Improving bilateral and multilateral relations of MONSTAT and statistics of other countries Effective coordination of donor activities
Mandate OF icd Mandate of ICD is a document which covers a main responsibilities and define the units within the ICD: • European Integration Activities related to the EU acquis - the harmonization of statistics with the acquis and its implementation in practice • International cooperation Coordination of International Cooperation activities (missions, meetings, appointments, contacts, and new initiatives) Grants and projects - Coordination of projects with the users • Translation Translation activities (written and oral translation of official documents)
Rules of Work of ICD Subject of the Rules of work of the ICD is the way of organization of work of the Department and the mode of communication between the Department and other units and outside institutions. The Department is a coordinating body within MONSTAT in charge of the development of international statistical cooperation. With the aim of faster and more efficient development of international cooperation is essential that the Department has clear Rules of work. At all stages of his work the Department has clearly defined procedures for the occasions: • Communications • Competencies • Reporting • Evaluations All of these procedures are related to the phases of operation of the Department: • Working within the Department • The work of the Department with other sectors / departments of MONSTAT • Reporting to the Director • The work of the Department with outside institutions
Good practice For increase the effectives and efficiency of the ICD, it is necessary to follow good practice: Good practice: Good cooperation of MONSTAT IDC with ICD of other countries Referring to the adopted documents: Mandate of ICD, Strategy of statistical cooperation, etc. Develop and implement internal procedures, annual activities plans Regular meetings and consultations with other statistical sectors – suggestions and comments Evaluation of the work of ICD within the Office – satisfaction survey
Thank you for your attention MGSC, 14-15 MARCH 2013