Artifacts of a Culture Establishing ideas on a people based off of the objects and clues they’ve left behind
Record your information. In your note book, turn to the next available blank page, and create a giant “T” chart: Label the left side “Object description” and the right side “My thoughts” On the left side, you will briefly describe what you are looking at. On the right side, you will consider what it may represent or suggest about the people of this culture.
For example: Object Description My Thoughts - Fishing hook connected to a lengthy rope, wrapped around a white object, possibly a bone - Very big fishers - Probably live close to water - Possible skilled hunters
Discuss: Turn to a neighbor on either side of you. You will have three minutes to compare notes and develop some predictions about the culture we are beginning to discuss. Consider: What do you think this culture values? What kinds of lives do you think these people led? What was the overall quality of life for these people?